Fellow Patriots,
UPDATE - Since I posted this article, the Governor of Alabama and a few elected officials spoke out to say this would not happen. Shortly after, President Trump tweeted the same, this will not happen. This is good news locally however the Coronavirus continues to spread and take lives. Be alert.
I was alerted to this information shortly ago and wanted to post it out to those who may be in closer proximity to Anniston, Alabama. This is for information only. Folks should continue to monitor and be prepared to take the appropriate action as needed. For those who waited it may be a tad late to find mask and Tyvek suits. Be safe.
ANNISTON, Ala. (WBRC) - City leaders in Anniston say they were not prepared for the Department of Health and Human Services plan to use a FEMA center in Anniston, Alabama to quarantine some passengers from the Diamond Princess who tested positive for the coronavirus.
HHS announced Saturday that passengers who tested positive, but do not have symptoms, will be quarantined at the FEMA Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston. If an evacuee becomes seriously ill, they will be transported to “pre-identified hospitals” for medical care.
Anniston City leaders say they knew nothing about the government’s plan before about noon Saturday and know very little details “pre identified hospitals”
“We were surprised. We had no idea. We were not consulted in any fashion,” said Anniston Mayor Jack Draper. “This was a decision by the federal government and the federal government solely."
Anniston city leaders spoke at a press conference Saturday afternoon saying they knew very little about details of HHA’s plan. They do not know what the “pre-identified” hospitals will be and also expressed concern about how quickly things could move.
“It’s our understanding that they will be transported probably next week,” Draper said about when the patients are expected to arrive in Anniston.
“I don’t believe this area is prepared to take this on at the time,” said Tim Hodges, Chairman of the Calhoun Co. Commission. “We’re going to be working on our end to try and come up with some ways to at least temporarily stop this, try to get the federal court involved. Maybe have a chance to get all the parties involved to sit down and take a closer look at this.”
Article Ended
Please keep all involved in your prayers. As I have been suggesting for a month now, the clock is ticking and hopefully folks made some effort to obtain some degree of protection for prevention. Don't panic but be safe and alert to the news and your surroundings .
Bravo Echo Out

Doug - Your welcome. Since the posting of the article, our Gov and elected Senators said no, this is not going to happen. President Trump also tweeted out this will not happen on his watch. So, I'm not sure where they will go, if anywhere at all in the US of A. Be safe and thanks for your message.
Thanks for the update, Keep safe Alabama and also keep it there......