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Patriot Express Newsletter #187

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #187. We appreciate you stopping by to spend some of your valuable time this first weekend of November. What's the big news of the week? Hmmm, we finally got some rain? Potential diesel fuel shortages coming? Tennessee travels to GA for a No 1 vs No 3 afternoon game that I will miss while at the HFS Rally? I got to spend time with about ten HFS Patriots prior to the HFS Rally coming up? Yep, I'm happier than biscuits smothered in breakfast gravy surrounded by fried eggs, grits, and cooked apples. Smile, we are blessed people.

I'm in a really good mood so this newsletter should be fun. Hey, don't miss the article submitted by Festus in this edition. Ol Mountain man put together some good thoughts and strapped them to a pigeon and flew them off the mountain to my inbox.

Halloween started early in San Francisco it appears. A man dressed in his underwear carrying zip ties while yelling for Ms. Nancy was arrested after assaulting Mr. Nancy with a hammer. What a trick or treat greeting this must have seemed like. Seems he was a MAGA fan according to the news release. Hmmm. Hard to believe a MAGA fan actually ventured to San Francisco just to trick or treat.

I think my cell phone is possessed. My phone has news alerts pop up on its own without choosing from Yahoo news. I don't click or read the articles, but I find it interesting how skewed and left leaning their headlines will read. Has anyone else heard the new Prime Minister from the UK speak yet? He just spoke from the WEF or World Economic Forum. Oh my. Green bonds being sold by the UK Government? Total Agenda 2030. Speaking of Green Weenies, have you been to a public library lately to walk around and see all the Woke books available for children? Very few on American history. Elementary aged books for how to be an activist. The only thing I remember about being an activist at that young age was putting stuff in a brown lunch bag and lighting in on fire at a neighbor's doorstep on Halloween. Well, actually, I didn't do it, but I was with someone who did. I knew well enough back then how that was a really crappy thing to do. I want you to imagine something just for a second. Imagine if we lived in a time where our national and state elections seemed honest and fair. What would it be like if we had candidates who could debate facts and truth instead of dirt and untruths. I don't know about you, but I have been following two very important races in Georgia and Pennsylvania. What ever happened to accountability and the desire of a human to serve their people without hidden agendas to use a position or platform to obtain personal gains and power over others. I stand back and watch as I think to myself, it is no wonder a good woman/man chooses to not serve their communities any longer.

Our nation is in trouble fellow Patriots. Did you know 1/3 of all US small business could not make their full rent payment in October? The Fed jacked up the interest rate again and the stock market took another dive. The Pentagon confirmed the US has boots on the ground in Ukraine. Iran is shipping ballistic missiles to Russia for their war in Ukraine. Turkey confirmed the cancelled shipment of wheat being carried by Russia for Europe is back in play again. Saudi intelligence warned the US Government they believe Iran is about to attack Saudi Arabia. On a more interesting note, the US Government seemed to have grounded all US military flights, rotary and fixed engine, between Sunday midnight and 7 AM Monday morning. Hmmm. The only thing in the air was a single large drone flying for hours above North Dakota aimed towards Russia's missile field watching the estimated trajectory of a Russian missile launch. How about that. Preparing yet? I mentioned about two years ago how there would be a global crackdown on internet chatter regarding anti-beliefs in current administration ideology. Don't be surprised to see it rolled out soon. Much of this crackdown is believed to be aimed towards Christian beliefs and conversations. Hold on....more to come.

This week's edition will be a bit shorter because my week is packed with travel and putting the final touches on the HFS Autumn Rally in NC on Saturday. I will be in Huntsville, AL for about 24 hours and part of my time will be spent meeting with a Patriot brother and a guest, to discuss current events, and more ways to help others get aboard with preparedness. Have you stopped and given thought to how many true Patriot Americans surround you? I am so lucky and blessed and I don't take it for granted. I just wish my time allotted me more opportunity to see and communication with all of them more often. Just know I am greatful for all of you.

I am giving you enough to think about and consider going forward.

I took a break to go attend a hotdog roast over the fire pit with some of our Bible class friends which included four HFS family members. A perfect night. Fired up the four-wheeler and took off down the road to a beautiful evening. Great weather, great friends, and great food. Fellowship is so important and especially while we live in an out-of-control world. The temp was around 50 at 8 pm and no wind. The fire was glowing below the remaining golden TN leaves. I took out my Android camera and took a few pics using the night vision feature the camera offers. It was fairly amazing to see the pics. Here you go:

Did I mention the pumpkin cake and apple strudel offered for evening deserts?

I spent Saturday driving to the Cumberland Plateau to spend time with Festus and a few new gents to discuss preparedness. It was a great meeting and informative as well. Great to see other likeminded people working in the same direction as Hope for Survival to help people prepare, teach skills, and build a support community. This appears to be happening around the southern US of A equally. This is good news indeed.

Let us move along....

HFS 3rd Annual Autumn Rally - Nov 5, 2022 - 830 AM (Doors Open) Classes - 915 - 530 PM

This year's event will be conducted indoors with two class areas for multiple classes during the day. All instructors are HFS members, and it is great to see them bring some of their skills to share with other members. Below is the tentative schedule.

I'm happy to have a group from Ohio sign up and join us in NC. These events take time and effort but any investment to bring new preparers together and help folks learn skills is a worthy of the effort.

It's not too late to get aboard and join us. Email me and get signed up now.

Tentative Schedule - The schedule is based on information I have today and committed instructors to lead the identified class.

We will open the event with the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer. Any information needing passed along and questions will then be addressed before sending attendees off to start the classes.

Classroom 1 (Enclosed Room) 915 – 1000 – Fermenting Vegetables 1015 – 1100 - Preparing, Packing, and Storing Dry Goods 1115 – 1200 – Suturing, Staples, and IVs 1200 – 1255 Lunch 1255 – Group Picture Main Room 1 – 145 – Building your family/team/community preparedness binder 2 – 245 – Food Calculator 3 – 345 – Suturing, Staples, and IVs 4 – 5 Guest Speaker – John Dyslin – Author Nehemiah Strong - GA 5 – 530 Closing questions and comments Classroom 2 (Open Room) 915 – 1000 – Setting up your Ready/Day Bag - Bring your ready/day bag to class with you

1015 – 1100 - Making Fire Cider and Elderberry Syrup 1115 – 1200 – Security trinkets, gadgets, bells and buzzers 1200 - 1255 Lunch 1255 – Group Picture Main Room 1 – 145 – Digital Ham radio and building Antennas 2 – 245 - Satellite Phone and Bivy Stick (Have your personal sat phone with you in class) - TN 3 – 345 – Resourcing for Preparedness goods 4 – 5 Guest Speaker – John Dyslin – Author Nehemiah Strong - GA 5 – 530 Closing questions and comments

If you plan to attend, email me at the following address:

Training -

Self Defense, Self Defense Psychology and Fear Management - November 19 and 20, 2022

Cost: $75.00 Ages 16 and Up - 93 Jones Cove Road, Clyde NC - 10 am - 4 pm

Regional Training - Skinny Medic

Regional Training - Fruit Tree Series - Univ Tennessee Extension - East TN -(Greene County) - Small Fruit and Home Orchard (

Hive Life - Sevierville, TN - January 5, 6, and 7, 2023

Henryville, Indiana- Patriot Homesteader Conference - April - 2023

HFS Thursday Zoom Rally #99 - There was no zoom this week.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

MeWe: - //

Parler - Preparedness101

Check out the HFS YouTube video at the following link. The latest YouTube video posted on October 28, 2022, titled Focus....Don't Panic. Check it out. If you have not, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel by hitting like and then subscribe.

Connect and give me a shout. Again, hit subscribe and share with family and friends.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional

Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week -

How brave are you? Oh, happy days are here again....and then there was one.

Two PENLs ago I talked about some crazy stuff beyond chips under the skin and frequency control and tracking and drones. All kinds of crazy stuff, right? Like watching Lost in Space from the early 1970s for some of us. Or maybe some 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Crazy stuff indeed.

Well, to back up my story I shared here about small drones flying around and communicating with a global brain and passing information the drone tracks from humans below, I want you to consider watching these two videos below. I warn you now, they are heavy stuff.

Add this short video on to the crazy stuff going on around us. Just think "you will eat bugs and be happy with it." More Than 3,000 Cattle Fell Dead Across Kansas In One Day (6-15-2022) (

Next ...

Last week's Risk Assessment 102 question list -

I got lots of questions and comments from last week's PENL on the Risk Assessment 102 questions for you to survey your property. Several solid preparers wrote or messaged to tell me they thought they had a good plan in place until running the list. That is the purpose and intent. Check, cross-check, and check again. Preparing is evergreen. It doesn't end. Threats change. We change. Needs change and physical conditioning changes. Locations change, Many are waiting on TEOTWAWKI or The End of the World as We Know It and two days later a tornado slams them, or a flood hit or this time of year an ice storm causing a power outage. Preparedness in your insurance policy for self-reliance. It's that simple.

It is overwhelming. Time consuming. Costly. Don't understand it. Won't invest time in it because it requires work. I could go on and on. But the point is preparedness is nonending. It really is. It is a way of life in many ways. I prepare daily in many ways. Aside from running the website, running the HFS Zoom sessions, writing newsletters, answering emails and calls, planning rallies and getting it put together, traveling for HFS functions and meetings, and recording and editing YouTube videos, posting HFS stuff on Facebook and MeWe and on and on. I have a full-time day job as well. I still do Preparedness daily for my own personal life and community as needed. So, anyone who tells me they don't have time won't pass the test. Not because their time isn't valuable or important. But, it boils down to how important is it to them.

We all started at a beginning point along this journey. We had to start learning and then decide how much time, effort and money it meant to us. I see all different levels. I look at it like this. We started out over our heads and feeling like a toddler with his pants down standing and looking out for help. A parent or guardian who knew how to pull the pants up offered a hand. In preparedness we do the same or at least should do the same. We are always learning from others. At some point the training wheels will come off and off we go. But, we are always learning and trying to improve on our preparedness planning. The good news is we all learn from one another along the journey.

One of the hardest tasks on this journey is teaching others how to have the correct mindset. Why are you doing these steps? Do you believe in why you are doing them? Can you learn to think outside the box? Do you take steps to avoid potential threats that will cause you to cross the "bang" line before they bite you in the behind? A spare tire in the trunk with low air. Or driving through a high crime area daily to work or a store. Do you walk through your home each night to check the doors, turn on your security system and make sure the garage door is down. Do you avoid posting certain things on the internet while on vacation? Are you secretive and leave a spare key under the front door mat like all other security minded people? Do you own a firearm and not know how to use it but feel confident in your skills because you pull the trigger on a long Bic lighter to start the grill? Did you spend $3,000 on a month's worth of long-term storage food without ever trying it to see if your system can handle it? I know I sound sarcastic, and I don't intend to be. I want you to do well but you have to do it now to ensure you don't fail when it counts most.

When I went to basic training in the Air Force back when Abe Lincoln was President of our great nation, I used to think the entire process of folding socks and ironing underwear and t-shirts and then squaring them up in the drawer was insanity. It taught me routine and focus on detail. Once I got that down it was easy. Why does it matter if a quarter bounces on the bed when it's made up? Because it was a taught process in making the bed that would allow the quarter to bounce. Just like understanding how a pistol or rifle works. Shooting and the process of breathing in and out while sighting then gently pulling the trigger is important. But knowing how it works and how to clean it after firing it and during periodic maintenance is equally important. This is the same with communications, food preparations and storing it, getting cleaning, and maintaining clean water, checking your doors, locks, and property borderline. We have processes in all that we do. You know what, my life is so busy since I started preparing that I don't have time to waste on unimportant things I once would do. Heck, I have better friends now who are true friends and will come to my aid with a single call. I have likeminded neighbors who drive by my house and if I'm loading or unloading something they stop in the street and jump out to help me. I used to waste countless hours watching sports on TV while tracking another game on my phone. Now I read to learn how to do things. I talk to people who need a friend or want help on something. I read my Bible and have private time to pray which also sooths and calms emotions and worry. All these ingredients work together to make my days better and when they are better, I can serve my family and friends better. They are processes I have built into my day by choice.

What does this have to do with the assessment checklist from last week's newsletter? Well, when we are focused and understand why we are doing them and the gain from doing the steps I wrote in the list, you will find you are more focused and hopefully this will carry over to other aspects of your life.

I know you don't come here for a sermon and please know what I am saying is not intended this way. But what I am saying and intending to get across to you is if you remain in that recliner stressing over having a twinkie or a dingdong your life is going to be short, and you will probably wake up each day by looking in the mirror not liking yourself for some reason. Ask yourself, how are you going to protect and lead your family knowing what is coming ahead? Heck, I use to be there long ago. I was a cool long-haired rock and roll star (I thought) and was destined for MTV. I lived for me and had no discipline and responsibility was for nerds. The Air Force taught us processes and discipline from the very start. Matter of fact before they even let us have our name back to put on our uniform, they started molding our brains into processes, accountability, and the works. Being accountable to ourselves. If you have decided you have four twinkies remaining in the box and then you will get up and start changing, then you never will. My assessment list offered 102 questions and only one question on that entire list may be the difference of you throwing the twinkies away now and going to work one at a time because that one could save your life. I'm just not going to tell you which one of the 102 should you do first so you may as well do them all. Better yet, put on your earbuds and bring up some Jimmy Buffet playing Cheeseburgers in Paradise. Hey, they are certainly better than dingdongs and twinkies.


Thoughts from the mountain with Festus -

With the mid-term election next week folks are making lots of predictions, hoping for the right outcome, and wondering what will happen. Have you thought about what the election and the results might mean for you and your family? What do you hope for? What do you expect? Does it in anyway alter your preparations or what you have been doing recently?

My impression of society in general is that yes, some folks seem to finally be waking up to what is going on in this country. It is a shame that it took a hit in the wallet for most to start waking up but it is what it is. Ok, so now what? People actually go vote. Ok. Great. Will it be enough to overcome the voting systems weaknesses to fraud and manipulation. After all, not much has really changed in the last two years to give us much confidence that this election will be fair and honest. But if both houses of Congress would go from blue to red, will it really make a long term difference in the homes of America? People seem to still be depending on the “system” to fix things for them. So if red prevails will the system really be any different? Based on history the answer is no, not really. HFS has said for a long time that the only real and long lasting change that can restore America and rejuvenate its roots is for change to begin in the family then the community, county, state, and then hopefully nationally too. This means that we all have to do our parts and use the abilities God has given each of us to use for such a time as this. This is a long row to hoe but pays dividends in the long run.

Look at it a different way. Butch has said this repeatedly. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) states in their classes and website that people should have certain minimum quantities of food, water, light, etc in their homes at all times. Most people think the government (the system) will come to their rescue. After all, that’s its job right? Nope. The government will be taking care of infrastructure and communications, etc long before it brings a truck around to hand out water. So even the government tells us not to rely on the system.

For several years now, Butch and I have spent many, many hours of research, writing articles, providing links of information, training, etc. Through it all we have emphasized awareness, critical thinking, and action. We all have family and friends we have tried to reach out to. Why do so many people ignore this? Is it because it is not entertaining? Too much effort required? Too busy? Requires awareness? Requires thought and critical thinking? Requires decisiveness and action? The list could go on. Some of these apply to some folks but not to others. Each person has different circumstances, abilities, talents, dreams, etc.

But these same points have a flip side to them. Do we really need to be entertained all the time? Working at something is usually beneficial to the wallet as well as building character and accomplishment. Critically thinking about things, you are aware of broadens your horizons and helps you make better conclusions or assist in being decisive and taking appropriate actions.

No, it is not easy and no it is not fun. But can we face ourselves in the mirror knowing that we did not do everything we could for our families, community, etc.? My young grandkids look up to their Pappy, dependent for everything they need and with trust in their eyes that they are being taken care of. Many of you are or will be in the same boat someday. Can you afford to trust a man-made system with your family’s wellbeing at stake. Work within the system to change it. Do whatever is required to take care of your family and community. But don’t trust or depend on the system do those things for you.

Think a couple steps ahead of where you are. If you do this you will be more balanced and stable to deal with the things that are coming our way. Manage your expectations regardless of the election outcome.

This election has the POTENTIAL to MAYBE start a new trend in the right direction, but it doesn’t have a chance if we all don’t work together to push this country back to the Constitution.

Festus out

Thanks Festus, for your submission.

Next ...

SOAP Box - I have a head scratcher this week. Some may relate and others may not and move along. I hope not because this is important. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but I promise you it will be important someday. I just hope I can explain it to make some sense of it to you with my West Virginian thinking.

I've been thinking about the commonalities between faith and preparedness. And of course, I hit a bur in my thoughts at times and I then end up spending too much time thinking of a point or two along the process. Why is it Christians read Revelations and yet show more fear to things going on here on earth than what they are reading in the Bible? Yet, non-Christians who state they have read the Bible up to Revelations and refuse to read that book of the Bible, yet, take on the world's problems and challenges ahead without showing fear and accepting it as more of a challenge? The first point offers eternal life and a promise of hope while the second offers no hope and at some point, life ends. One can believe the Bible and all it offers while the other won't believe the Bible yet believes all the history books with no proof or evidence of it being true or real.

In ways, I see it like this, though these two are different priorities in my own personal life. Preparedness and faith and the commonalities. We spend all this time preparing for all these crazy possibilities we are hearing about and seeing with our own eyes. My goodness, it's scary stuff, isn't it? I personally focus more on my local level than anything else because this is the area where I will be and have to face and deal with. But I'm preparing for many possibilities and unknowns based on many factors. I was never on the fence with preparing because I spent months and years living abroad and witnessed things in life I pray will never happen here to my family and brothers and sisters. We are blessed people here in America. Yes, indeed we are. I'm doing the earthly preparedness while I'm here because I want to be here as long as the Lord wants me here to do His work.

But the most important preparedness I do is in my spiritual life and the preparedness it also requires. Reading, understanding, asking questions as needed, attending assembly and bonding with other Christians and non-Christians, and working outside the church to spread his word and to help others, both Christian and non-Christian alike. Sometimes I see Christians shunning non-Christians and treating them as second-class people. Did I miss something in my understanding of scripture?

Why are so many Christians set on getting out of here as soon as possible vs working to spread HIs Gospel and attempting to lead others to Christ? It truly is a happy story with a happy ending, but many Christians I know Tippy toe in the negatives of the earth daily and without a blink then state I can't wait to get out of here. Last time I checked there is no I in we and basic training taught us to show up early and stand in line ever how long was needed till our name was called out. Ya with me? We got lots of work to do here and its truly exciting work. Preparing for the earthly things ahead and preparing our self and others for when our time is called above.

On the other hand, I know a guy who can quote scripture, talk the talk, walk the walk, was once a deacon, and now won't step foot in a church because of a worldly event that occurred in the church, and he blames the church. He connects God as being the church and holds both accountable. Really? I know a few other folks who had church association in their past but not today. A tragedy in their past at some point broke their faith and they hold God accountable for what happened. A death, a fire, a wreck, a disease, a disaster, and other things happen that takes loved ones off the earth. If a person says they believe we each can be taken from the earth on any given time and also believes or once believed the Lord will turn at some time with Trumpets blaring, then how is the death of a person God's fault? Did I miss it in my readings? Like I tell Ms. Lucy all the time in regard to speeding. I ask her, "when you drive down the highway at 80 mph is it because the speed limit signs say "Speed Limit 70, except for Lucy?" Life has no guarantee or promise of tomorrow, period. A few months ago when my dad was ill and died, the doctors predicted his death at least five times in different situations and dad lived through each situation. Two heart stoppages, a ventilator and failed organs, removal of the ventilator and so forth. When he died a few days later he died on his terms, ready to go, and with no signs of pain that the earthly beings said it would be like.

I don't care if you are a scholar with a wall covered in "I'm smart" papers or if you aren't the sharpest razor amongst the box cutters. It doesn't matter and we all serve a purpose. One of my greatest joys in HFS is both the saved and unsaved are awesome humans and I love them the same. When I say we are blessed, we are truly blessed. Life is much better when surrounded by good people with common interest. Our spiritual elements are different, yes, but we all need one another. As Forrest Gump says, "life is like a box of chocolates." Yes indeed, and we can have many different types of chocolate candy in the same box. I just ask that you please leave the nutty candy for my squirrel pal Wilson. Thank you. I will close this pointed writing by saying this. Just as life starts and ends, so does the wooden railing holding the fence together and a loved one is resting on it. As we age and pass on, that wooden rail being used as a perch also ages and decomposes and will eventually no longer hold the person up. It will be a time one can't predict, just like life on this earth. If you didn't matter to me, I would not be writing this message to those who needs to read it most. We are no different sister and brother. I'm a sinner just like you. We both do our best each day to make our own life better and to do better for others. The only difference is I made a choice that you haven't made yet. Your salvation matters to me, and I hope a day will come soon it matters to you as well. Don't let these earthly things and different walks of people guide your decision. I, nor they, can get you to a better life post-earth time. Only you can do that. Bless you.

And that's my thoughts for the week....

Preparedness News

1. From Greg Allison - Green Greg YouTube - This is a great discussion on the problems with the diesel shortage and all the areas the shortage will impact in our daily lives.

2. From the Survival Mom - 38 Principles of Self Sufficiency to Embrace Today - Survival Mom ( - Checklist, checklist, and more checklist. We can never have enough checklist in our paper library. You don't need it all but having a new consolidated list of recommended items lets you decide if you have it or need it.

3. From Melissa K. Norris - What Causes Canning Lids to Buckle? (+ Proper Tightening) - Melissa K. Norris ( - One of the painful realities of canning is when you find a lid unsealed lid in your stock. Preparation is key and what you should you do with rings before storing your resources.

4. From Tricia Drevets - Urban Survival Site - 17 Ordinary Plants You Can Make Into Flour | Urban Survival Site - One is none, two is one and three is better. What can we do to have more ways to achieve a need? Important knowledge to learn.

5. From Stephanie Yang - LA Times - If China declares war, these ham radio enthusiasts could be crucial ( Information is critical and who has the timeliest information will likely control the roost. The sooner we know of a threat, change, or visitors headed our way, the higher likelihood of success in your effort. Remember, 90% of preparedness is awareness. (Thanks to our Patriot sister from Eastern SC for sharing this article..)

Other News -

1. From Dave Fairtex - Peak Prosperity - Tech Issues; Fourth Turning Cycle Timing | Peak Prosperity - You can read the text here or watch the video to it below. Worth your time.

2. From Fernando -The Modern Survivalist - Interview with Pablo Ortiz, an international Economist discusses what he believes is ahead financially. Pablo and Fernando also discuss preparedness and things to consider purchasing and investments.

3. From John and Nisha Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - The Rutherford Institute :: Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms | By John & Nisha Whitehead |- I am amazed to the number of people I speak with who can't tell me a single freedom they are aware of that has been changed or altered in the past 20 years. Baffling.

4. From Wolf Richter - The Richter Report -

5. From Paul Craig Roberts - Paul Craig Roberts Institute of Political Economy - The Ever Widening War Grows Wider | ( - Great read and a great website. PCR gives great perspective and insight on critical topics of our time.

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

Please remember our Patriot sister and her family in Northwestern Alabama in your prayers during this period of loss of her mother. Please pray for our Patriot sister in Western NC as she continues her struggle with symptoms like vertigo. Please lift her up in prayer. We pray for our Patriot brother in Northern Alabama in his ongoing health ordeal. May you all be lifted in prayer and spirit in the days ahead. Please remember our Patriot family in central Alabama and a quick recovery for our brother who fell recently and is recovering from neck and back injuries from the fall. Get well soon. Please pray for our Patriot sister in Hickory NC while she recovers from two surgeries in the past week. Get well soon sister. We pray for our Patriot brother in Eastern TN who is dealing with ongoing health issues. Please pray for our brother in Central Kentucky who was in a bad vehicle accident and blessed to be alive today. Please remember him in his recovery and his work partner who is suffering internal bleeding. Blessings to each of you in your time of need. We pray unspoken prayers for the needs we are not aware of in others. We pray for safe travel for all those traveling to and from Waynesville, NC to attend the HFS rally this weekend. We pray for open minds and wisdom for all attending. We are thankful for this opportunity.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,

1 Comment

Lisa Stewart
Lisa Stewart
Nov 05, 2022

Dear Lord. I watched only 5 minutes of video #2 about AI. Friends have laughed at me for years because I cannot watch The Matrix. I remember trying to watch it when it was released on TV. The first few minutes tightened my gut to the point I had to turn it off. What I was watching felt evil ... unholy ... disassociated with the reality I knew and lived in. I am still amazed how people find this 'science fiction' entertaining - as if they have no concept of what is being surreptitiously pushed on humans. God help us all...


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