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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #156

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #156. Thanks for stopping by to spend a few minutes with us. We hope you enjoyed a blessed week. March is over and a quarter of 2022 is now behind us. Are your preparedness plans in better shape now than at the start of March? What are you doing to better prepare and protect your family?

The HFS March Madness Donation Drive ended with another successful drive. Thanks to everyone for your kindness and consideration to support HF operations for 2022. We would not be able to continue HFS without your support. We are blessed to be surrounded by wonderful Patriots who are part of the HFS family. We continue receiving donations so I can't tell you the percentage of our goal received. I can tell you we hit 100%. I will update you as soon as the total is known.

Ms. Lucy and I completed our trip to GA to spend the weekend with kids and grandkids and though it was a quick weekend it was enjoyable. It seems the grandkids change week to week or between visits. New words and things they learn amazes us. Time together goes fast and when the visit ends, we are exhausted yet wish we had more time.

I was happy to hear one of our HFS groups conducted Friday evening and Saturday afternoon on essential oils and range safety and firearms training. They also discussed equipment and gear used during tactical training and maneuvering from target to target. Many folks will buy this gear and leave it in a box until needed. Understanding pros and cons to each piece of gear is essential. Have you ever worn personal body armor and run 50 yards forward and then dropped to the prone position? How did it feel when the body armor slammed into your throat knocking the air out of you? Did you slam your face in to the dirt? Imagine if you had trained with your gear and with someone to instruct you on it. You may have prevented this painful event from happening.

This weekend I am off to Fairview, NC to meet with a group of Patriots to share what HFS is about and discuss the importance of the Five Mile Radius. I look forward to spending the day with new sisters and brothers on the same journey. I appreciate the invite and opportunity to be with them. Next weekend will likely be the Huntsville, AL trip.

Okay, let us move along.

Congrats to our Patriot sister from North Alabama, again, for breaking last weeks coded message. The message was:: Are you confident in your preparedness plans?

Okay, let's move along. First a few business items and promoting HFS.

Thursday Zoom Rallies – HFS Zoom Rally #85 was conducted with discussions on the Signal APP, planning your Battlespace, the House of Cards, seven things you should be doing now, President Biden's announcement of upcoming food shortages, and the "What would you do" segment. Thanks to everyone who could attend.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

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Parler - Preparedness101

Check out the newest HFS YouTube video at this link. If you have not, please hit subscribe and support our efforts to get the preparedness message out. Thanks.

Connect and give me a shout. Share with family and friends.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional

Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (

Heritage Life Skills 2022 - Waynesville, NC, May 20-22 - Class schedule and signups are posted for your review and selection. Once again, the price for a full weekend attendance or single day visit can't be beat. This is a very affordable opportunity for loads of preparedness training and information. Not to mention, you will meet some amazing people who become friends for life in many cases. Here is the link to view this year's classes, class schedules, and instructor bios. Upcoming Events | Carolina Readiness | Preparedness & Camping Store If you have questions, please call the Carolina Readiness Supply at 828-456-5310.

If you would like to sign up for classes taught by Hope for Survival at this event, here's the posted HFS dates, times, and classes being taught.

Thursday, May 19, 2022 - HFS Potluck Dinner (time to be determined)

Friday, May 20, 2022 - 830 AM to 1130 AM - Preparedness 101

Friday, May 20, 2022 - 1 PM - 230 PM - Preparedness 102

Friday, May 20, 2022 - 3 PM - 430 PM - Vetting New Members (New Class)

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - 830 AM - 1130 AM - Preparedness 101

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - 1 PM - 230 PM - Preparedness 102

Saturday, May 21, 2022 - 3 PM - 430 PM - Psychological Preparedness (New Class)

Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 830 AM - 10 AM - Vetting New Members (New Class)

Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 10:30 AM - 1200 PM - Protecting Your Five Mile Radius

Sunday, May 22, 2022 - 1 PM - 230 PM - Psychological Preparedness (New Class)

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week -

Spring has arrived and many are preparing gardens and watching their fruit trees blossom. Last week I shared some thoughts on gardening and building raised boxes. A Patriot sister shared some excellent links with me to share with readers on fruit trees. I want to pass along a big thank you to her for sharing this great information. These links are exceptional and great to keep available for your own research and education on fruit trees. As I mentioned previously, fruit trees can be like raising an infant. You must learn to recognize signs the trees are showing to then know what is wrong. I would suggest taking these links and saving the ones that will help you now and maybe later.


Christine Bredenkamp Macon County Extension Director Horticulture and Community Development Phone # 828 349 2049

Next .....

One of my favorite Patriot brothers reached out to me in the past week as he often does to discuss preparedness, HFS, training and the world. He was sharing some info regarding a class his Patriot wife would be teaching on essential oils and how she uses some of the information from HFS Book 1 starting on page 135 regarding essential oils. I decided to go pull some of the information from the Medicinal Chapter to share with you. Also, in this chapter you will find information on Fish Meds, medicinal plants and other good to know information. I was happy to hear folks in the field are using information from my first book.

Essential Oils When I first started learning about oils, I was introduced to Dr. Joe and Nurse Amy, the Alton’s of Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine. Additionally, I reference The Kings Medicine Cabinet by Dr. Josh Axe describing essential oil uses, cures and recipes for healing. I have learned a great deal as they have researched and provided information and guidance and many methods and products for preparedness and building a non-medic plan. This information was derived from the website of Dr. Joe and Nurse Amy

You might be surprised to learn that the Food and Drug Administration only requires 10% essential oil in the bottle to be considered “Pure Essential Oil”. Beware of claims of FDA certification; the FDA has no certification or approval process for these products. Essential oils are produced by plants to serve as either an attractant to pollinator insects (hence their strong fragrance) or as a repellant against invading organisms, from bacteria to animal predators. These substances usually contain multiple chemical compounds, making each plant’s essential oil unique. Oils may be produced by leaves, bark, flowers, resin, fruit or roots. For example, Lemon oil comes from the peel, Lavender oil from flowers, and Cinnamon oil from bark. Some plants are sources of more than one essential oil, dependent on the part processed. Some plant materials produce a great deal of oil; others produce very little. The strength or quality of the oil is dependent on multiple factors, including soil conditions, time of year, sub-species of plant, and even the time of day the plant is harvested. The manufacture of essential oils, known as “extraction”, can be achieved by various methods:

Distillation Method: Using a “still” like old-time moonshiners, water is boiled through an amount of plant material to produce a steam that travels through cooled coils. This steam condenses into a “mixture” of oil and water (which doesn’t really mix) from which the oil can be extracted.

Pressing Method: The oils of citrus fruit can be isolated by a technique which involves putting the peels through a “press”. This works best with the oiliest of plant materials, such as orange skins.

Maceration Method: a fixed oil (sometimes called a “carrier” oil) or lard may be combined with the plant part and exposed to the sun over time, causing the fixed oil to become infused with the plant “essence”. Oftentimes, a heat source is used to move the process along. The plant material may be added several times during the process to manufacture a stronger oil. This is the method by which you obtain products such as “garlic-infused olive oil”. A similar process using flowers is referred to as “Enfleurage”.

Solvent Method: Alcohol and other solvents may be used on some plant parts, usually flowers, to release the essential oil in a multi-step process. As each essential oil has different chemical compounds in it, it stands to reason that the medicinal benefits of each are also different. As such, an entire alternative medical discipline has developed to find the appropriate oil for the condition that needs treatment. The method of administration may differ, as well. Common methods include:


Inhalation Therapy: This method is also known as “aromatherapy”. Add a few drops of the essential oil in a bowl of steaming water (distilled or sterilized), and inhale. This method is most effective when placing a towel over your head to catch the vapors. Many people will place essential oils in potpourri or use a “diffuser” to spread the aroma throughout the room; this technique probably dilutes any medicinal effects, however.

Topical Application: The skin is an amazing absorbent surface, and using essential oils by direct application is a popular method of administration. The oil may be used as part of a massage, or directly placed on the skin to achieve a therapeutic effect on a rash or muscle. Before considering using an essential oil in this manner, always test for allergic reactions beforehand. Even though the chemical compounds in the oil are natural, that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t have an adverse effect on you (case in point: poison ivy).A simple test involves placing a couple of drops on the inside of your forearm with a cotton applicator. Within 12-24 hours, you’ll notice a rash developing if you’re allergic. Mixing some of the essential oil with a fixed or “carrier” oil such as olive oil before use is a safer option for topical use. Another concern, mostly with topically-applied citrus oils, is “phototoxicity” (an exaggerated burn response to sun exposure).I have some reservations about whether applying an essential oil on the skin over a deep organ, such as the pancreas, will really have any specific effect on that organ. It is much more likely to work, however, on the skin itself or underlying muscle tissue.

Ingestion: Direct ingestion is unwise for many essential oils, and this method should be used with caution. Most internal uses of an essential oil should be of a very small amount diluted in at least a tablespoon of a fixed oil such as olive oil. Professional guidance is imperative when considering this method. You can always consider a tea made with the herb as an alternative. This is a safer mode of internal use, although the effect may not be as strong. Essential oils have been used as medical treatment for a very long time, but it’s difficult to provide definitive evidence of their effectiveness for several reasons. Essential oils are difficult to standardize, due to variance in the quality of the product based on soil conditions, time of year, and other factors that we mentioned above. An essential Eucalyptus oil may be obtained from Eucalyptus Globulus or Eucalyptus Radiata, for example, and have differing properties as a result. These factors combine to make scientific study problematic. Despite this, essential oils have various reported beneficial effects, mainly based on their historical use on many thousands of patients by alternative healers. Although there are many essential oils, a number of them are considered mainstays of any herbal medicine cabinet.

Here are just some.

Lavender Oil: An analgesic (pain reliever), antiseptic, and immune stimulant. It is thought to be good for skin care and to promote healing, especially in burns, bruises, scrapes, acne, rashes and bug bites .Lavender has a calming effect, and is used for insomnia, stress and depression. It has been reported effective as a decongestant through steam inhalation. Lavender oil may have use as an antifungal agent, and may be used for Athlete’s foot or other related conditions.

Eucalyptus Oil: An antiseptic, antiviral, and decongestant (also an excellent insect repellent), Eucalyptus oil has a “cooling” effect on skin. It also aids with respiratory issues and is thought to boost the immune system. Consider its use for flus, colds, sore throats, coughs, sinusitis, bronchitis, and hay fever. When exposure is expected, it has been reported to have a preventative effect. Eucalyptus may be used in massages, steam inhalation, and as a bath additive. Although eucalyptus oil has been used in cough medicine, it is likely greatly diluted and should not be otherwise ingested in pure form.

Melaleuca (Tea Tree) Oil: Diluted in a carrier oil such as coconut, Tea Tree oil may be good for athlete’s foot, acne, skin wounds, and even insect bites. In the garden, Tea Tree oil is a reasonable organic method of pest control. In inhalation therapy, it is reported to help relieve respiratory congestion. Studies have been performed which find it effective against both Staphylococcus and fungal infections. Some even recommend a few drops in a pint of water for use as a vaginal douche to treat yeast. Tea Tree oil may be toxic if used in high concentrations, around sensitive areas like the eyes, or ingested.

Peppermint Oil: This oil is said to have various therapeutic effects: antiseptic, antibacterial, decongestant, and anti-emetic (stops vomiting). Peppermint oil is applied directly to the abdomen when used for digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, and abdominal cramping. Some herbalists prescribe Peppermint for headache; massage a drop or two to the temples as needed. For sudden abdominal conditions, achy muscles or painful joints, massage the diluted oil externally onto the affected area. As mentioned previously, definitive proof of topical application effects on deep organs is difficult to find.

Lemon Oil: Used for many years as a surface disinfectant, it is often found in furniture cleaners. Many seem to think that this disinfecting action makes it good for sterilizing water, but there is no evidence that it is as effective as any of the standard methods of doing so, such as boiling. Lemon oil is thought to have a calming effect; some businesses claim to have better results from their employees when they use it as aromatherapy. Don’t apply this oil on the skin if you will be exposed to the sun that day, due to possible phototoxicity.

Clove Oil: Although thought to have multiple uses as an anti-fungal, antiseptic, antiviral, analgesic, and sedative, Clove oil particularly shines as an anesthetic and antimicrobial. It is marketed as “Eugenol” to dentists throughout the world as a natural pain killer for toothaches. A toothpaste can be made by combining clove oil and baking soda; when mixed with zinc oxide powder, it makes an excellent temporary cement for lost fillings and loose crowns. Use Clove oil with caution, as it may have an irritant effect on the gums if too much is applied.

Arnica Oil: Arnica oil is used as a topical agent for muscle injuries and aches. Thought to be analgesic and anti-inflammatory, it is found in a number of sports ointments. As a personal aside, I have tested this oil on myself, and found it to be effective though not very long lasting. Frequent application would be needed for long term relief. Although some essential oils are excellent as aromatherapy, Arnica oil is toxic if inhaled.

Chamomile Oil: There are at least two versions of Chamomile oil, Roman and German. Roman Chamomile is a watery oil, while German Chamomile seems more viscous. Both are used to treat skin conditions such as eczema as well as irritations due to allergies. Chamomile oil is thought to decrease gastrointestinal inflammation and irritation, and is thought have a calming effect as aromatherapy, especially in children.

Geranium Oil: Although variable in its effects based on the species of plant used, Geranium oil is reported to inhibit the production of sebum in the skin and may be helpful in controlling acne. Some believe that it also may have hemostatic (blood-clotting) properties, and is often recommended for bleeding from small cuts and bruising. When a small amount of oil is diluted in shampoo, it may be considered a treatment for head lice.

Helichrysum Oil: Thought to be a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory, Helichrysum is used to treat arthritis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and fibromyalgia as part of massage therapy. It has also been offered as a treatment for chronic skin irritation.

Rosemary Oil: Represented as having multiple uses as an antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic, Rosemary oil is proven to control spider mites in gardens. Use a few drops with water for a disinfectant mouthwash. Inhalation, either cold or steamed, may relieve congested or constricted respiration. Mixed with a carrier oil, it is used to treat tension headaches and muscle aches.

Clary Sage Oil :One of the various chemical constituents of Clary Sage has a composition similar to estrogen, and has been used to treat menstrual irregularities, premenstrual syndrome, and other hormonal issues. It is also believed to have a mild anticoagulant effect, and may have some use as a blood thinner. Clary Sage also is thought to have some sedative effect, and has been used as a calming agent.

Neem Oil: With over 150 chemical ingredients, the Neem tree is referred as “the village pharmacy” in its native India. The majority of Ayurvedic alternative remedies have some form of Neem oil in them. Proven as a natural organic pesticide, we personally use Neem Oil in our vegetable garden. Reported medicinal benefits are too numerous to list here and seem to cover just about every organ system. It should be noted, however, that it may be toxic when the oil is taken internally.

Wintergreen Oil: A source of natural salicylates, Wintergreen oil is a proven anticoagulant and analgesic. About 1 fluid ounce of Wintergreen Oil is the equivalent of 171 aspirin tablets if ingested, so use very small amounts. It may also have beneficial effects on intestinal spasms and might reduce blood pressure in hypertensives.

Frankincense Oil: One of the earliest documented essential oils, evidence of its use goes back 5000 years to ancient Egypt. Studies from Johns Hopkins and Hebrew Universities state that Frankincense relieves anxiety and depression in mice (how, exactly, was this determined?). Direct application of the oil may have antibacterial and antifungal properties and is thought to be helpful for wound healing. As a cold or steam inhalant, it is sometimes used for lung and nasal congestion.

Blue Tansy Oil: Helpful as a companion plant for organic pest control, Blue Tansy is sometimes planted along with potatoes and other vegetables. The oil has been used for years to treat intestinal worms and other parasites. One of its constituents, Camphor, is used in medicinal chest rubs and ointments. In the past, it has been used in certain dental procedures as an antibacterial.

Oregano Oil: An antiseptic, oregano oil has been used in the past as an antibacterial agent. It should be noted that Oregano oil is derived from a different species of the plant than the Oregano used in cooking. One of the minority of essential oils that are safe to ingest, it is thought to be helpful in calming stomach upset, and may help relieve sore throats. Its antibacterial action leads some to use the oil in topical applications on skin infections when diluted with a carrier oil. Oregano Oil may reduce the body’s ability to absorb iron, so consider an iron supplement if you use this regularly.

Thyme Oil: Reported to have significant antimicrobial action, diluted Thyme oil is used to cure skin infections, and may be helpful for ringworm and athlete’s foot. Thyme is sometimes used to reduce intestinal cramps in massage therapy. As inhalation therapy, it may loosen congestion from upper respiratory infections. Many essential oils are marketed as blends, such as “Thieves’ Oil”. This is a combination of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils. Touted to treat a broad variety of ailments, studies at Weber State University indicate a good success rate in killing airborne viruses and bacteria. Of course, the more elements in the mixture, the higher chance for adverse reactions, such as phototoxicity.

Some important caveats to the above list should be stated here. Most of the essential oils listed are unsafe to use in pregnancy and may even cause miscarriage. Also, allergic reactions to essential oils, especially on the skin, are not uncommon; use the allergy test I described earlier before starting regular topical applications. Even though essential oils are natural substances, they may interact with medicines that you may regularly take or have adverse effects on chronic illness such as liver disease, epilepsy or high blood pressure. Thorough research is required to determine whether a particular essential oil is safe for you. Having said that, essential oils are a viable option for many conditions. Anyone interested in maintaining their family’s well-being should regard them as just another weapon in the medical arsenal. Learn about them with an open mind, but maintain a healthy skepticism about “cure-all” claims

Next ....

Intelligence - Anyone who knows me well knows I do not do predictions and I like to base my thoughts and comments off good hard information and intelligence gathered. This takes time and energy to do it right. This is very important and a equally important step in your Risk Assessment and Threat Matrix. How do you mitigate threats if you read it from a newspaper vs actually conducting a viable risk management process?

It is very easy to listen to three or four podcast and repeat what the click masters are sharing as being from an inside source. I'm not casting judgement. I'm simply stating the facts of the truth. Imagine if you or your son was deployed across the big pond and currently stood on the battlefield in Syria or Ukraine. Would trust your commanding General if he/she put out orders to move forward through enemy lines based on intelligence he/she received from listening to a daily podcast who stated they had inside information from an unnamed source?

Good actionable intelligence uses a process of true and tried steps putting together historical data and trends, likelihood of perceived actions, and raw information that is analyzed for reality and possibilities. Many preparers base what they do and buy off trusted "hear say" from podcasters without investing time and effort for reality. Festus and I call much of this "fear porn" and it can be damaging to individual psychology and stress levels.

Look around you and you will see real intelligence daily. The cost of fuel. The cost of food. The cost of heating oil. The number of family stores closing down for good. The President of the United States just announced last week the world is facing a food shortage and no country will go untouched. What are you doing about this actionable intelligence? If what you are witnessing around you is not enough to move you at a faster pace, nothing will.

Someone recently told me "there is nothing wrong with the nation because jobs are plentiful in America". True. We have plenty of jobs. We just don't have workers and we do not have supplies and resources to put on the shelves. What good is it to hire new employees if shelves are not stocked?

I was talking with Festus on this topic this week and I was telling him how people tell me all the things wrong with America and the world. In great detail at that. Yet, they still are doing nothing about it. Nothing. It's baffling. I see and hear people angry and ready to spit flames, yet they do nothing to better their own life for their family. I am convinced some folks could be in a burning home and know the results of the house burning down yet they won't leave the home until the fire department tell them its okay. Sounds crazy huh? Another example is like minded preparers showing up for every practice and then on game day they call in sick. They are the same people complaining to the coach about playing time, yet they don't show up to play. What gives? As humans we like to do and train around things we are comfortable doing or what we know. We all must step out and get some sweat on our brows and dirt on our hands. When the collapse comes it will not be as easy as watching the starving pet commercial and writing a check to send in the mail. When you are cold and starving who will film your commercial and who will send you support?

I will put it this way. If you are asleep at the wheel and opt to hold off stocking up, you put yourself in line with the 90% of America who always waits on the storm to announce its arrival before shopping. Do you want to be a part of this group fighting over supplies? Think back to the start of Corona Virus and all the people fighting over toilet paper while an invisible threat floated in the air. Shoppers faced two threats and didn't realize it. Shoppers and Covid-19.

Only YOU can decide when to step up your game. All intelligence is pointing to approaching problems to our way of life.

And those are my thoughts for the week.

Preparedness News

1. From Perrin Adams - Survival Sullivan - Does Activated Charcoal Go Bad? - Survival Sullivan -

More good to know information. This is the case with all medicinal items, support items, aids, and items considered for consumption.

2. From Amy Allen - The Organic Prepper - Intercropping Is the Key to a Food-Laden Garden ( - The description of intercropping almost sounds political (Ha Ha) but the intent makes sense.

3. The Survival Mom - How To Use Sausage Crumbles In Your Everyday Cooking - Survival Mom ( - I have never tried this but it certainly sounds interesting. Let me know if you try it out.

4. From Preparedness Advice - How To Build a DIY Camp Toilet - PREPAREDNESS ADVICE - This is one of the most overlooked topics in preparedness and one of the top ways to cause illness and potentially death in your home or camp.

5. From Silvan Goddin - Meat Eater - How to Make Deer Tallow Soap | Wild + Whole ( - This sounds interesting. Do any of you make your own bath and/or laundry soap?

6. From Chuck Abbott - Successful Farming - USDA says food inflation rate to soar, highest since 2008 | Successful Farming ( - Straight from the Governments mouth. Buckle up and turn up your preparedness steps the best you can. When those in control start sounding the alarm it's probably a bit late in the game.

7. From Short-Wave-Info - Short-Wave Radio Frequency Schedule for BBC in ENGLISH - Here is a good tool to save for shortwave radio purposes. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

Other News -

1. From Laura Hollis - WND - Wake up, America – they really are trying to destroy us ( - I don't know about you, but I'm more amazed daily to the number of people still in the dark to what is taking place in America. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

2. From Coach Dave - Coach Dave Live - Where are the Papa Bears? - Pass the Salt Ministries ( - Great article. Well worth your time and maybe something every male should step back and ask of himself. We have lots of mama bears, but the papa bears are extinct it seems. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

3. From Life-Site - Are Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and Russia's Vladimir Putin both globalists? - LifeSite ( - This is a very easy way to compare the two leaders currently engaged in war. Think you know them? You may be surprised at how many categories are mutual support areas. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

4. From Tim Gamble - Dystopian Survival - Dystopian Survival : DuckDuckGo Jumps On the Censorship Bandwagon? - How about that. So what is next? No Google? No DuckDuckGo? What search engine are you using today? Good article worth reviewing.

5. From David Goldman - Asia Times - Dollar reserve system frays with India-Russia currency deals - Asia Times - Ahhh, even the world is watching the dollar fall while our own media ignores eventual reality.

6. From Standing for Health and Freedom - Will Your Governor Stand Up Against Tyranny? | Stand For Health Freedom - Who controls entry to your neighborhood or home? Are you sure you do? Check this out. Another example of the importance of voting. (Thanks Festus for this submission)

7. From Nisha and J.W. Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - The Rutherford Institute :: Humilitainment: How to Control the Citizenry Through Reality TV Distractions | By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star......nope, how about Humpty Dumpty? We are stuck on Survivor Island and the rules state we not only incapable of surviving but the small print line of rules states we aren't allowed to win, complain, or put forth effort. Wasn't there a nursery song sung about waking up little Johhny? (Thanks Festus for this submission)

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

We must pray for each other and pray that our faith and strength in our faith keeps us on the right path through all the evils and evils powers around us at this time. We all must uplift one another 24 x 7.

We pray for the nation of Ukraine, and all involved in the conflict with Russia. We pray for peace and a quick resolution for all involved.

Please keep a few of our HFS members in your prayers. We have several with physical injuries in North Alabama (ribs), Central Alabama (shoulder), Hickory, NC (back/hip/eyes),

Even with all the worldly challenges, struggles, and heartbreaks we must always give thanks for the blessings in our own life and our family each day. Life can be hard and sometimes unfair to us, but we still have many things to be thankful for each day. We must not forget them.

We all must pray strong and often for the citizens of our great nation. Many of our sisters and brothers are struggling daily with things they witness, encounter, and are surprised with out of the norm. Many times, we are in unchartered areas, however, we still must keep our faith and focus on the big picture. Our prayers and faithful strength together will be required often to battle the evils being thrown upon all of us minute by minute.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,

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