Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #184. I'm glad you are here with us because it tells me that a few still maintain some level of sanity. Okay, that was a funny, so lighten up, grab something good to drink, maybe a biscuit and gravy, or grab a cup of yogurt. Take a few minutes to escape the crazy world and relax. I started out with some corny humor for a point. Folks are losing it. Folks are seriously starting to lose their grasp on reality. I share some additional thoughts below under my thoughts for the week in this area. Sorry in getting this out later than normal. Ms. Lucy and I spent the afternoon and early evening with my mother-in-law riding the backroads of eastern TN as we journeyed over a few counties for dinner. Of course, this meant stopping for a supply of fried cherry pies for her to take back to WV this weekend. Anyhow, it was a wonderful day to be out enjoying the sunshine and autumn weather.
I was on the road a bit during the week, and I can't tell you how much it was needed to escape life's busy routine. We all need a "timeout" from the stress of life. I'm sure each of us has a certain thing we like to do to get away from the rat race. Maybe call a friend. Maybe you like to paint. Maybe you escape to your garden or flowers. If you don't have something I would encourage you to find something soon for your own sanity. A massage, a walk, talking to your dog or pet squirrel. Because I love our great nation so much, I often enjoy a trip to the country to enjoy the land, the farms, and landscape. Sometimes it's in the quiet with the window down to enjoy the breeze and other times it's with some old classics. No matter what it is, do it for yourself.
Autumn is my favorite season mostly for the beauty of nature. The few short days we may or may not get to see the golden leaves glisten in the sun. My original plans for the past weekend got changed at the last moment and I was redirected to the WV/VA region to meet with two cousins I had not been spent time with in more than fifteen years. It was great to see them and have a few hours reminiscing and catching up. It was a quick 360 miles round trip, and I am sharing this to tell you about the beautiful leaves. Portions of east TN around the tri-city area over to Marion and Wytheville, VA had beautiful colors along the interstate. I crossed up across the rolling hills and through two tunnels (Big Walker, and East River Mountain) to reach my destination and I was shocked to how changed I found the leaves and colors. I woke up on Sunday morning to a cool 31 degrees and a heavy frost while the morning sun caused the golden WV leaves to shine and sparkle. It brought back loads of memories.

While enjoying nature and family, I also try to observe conditions in the area I'm visiting. I had just been in the same area back in June for a few weeks and the increased number of homeless people in the four-month period was very noticeable. This is small town America and I know, without a doubt, thousands of small towns in America face the same situation. Drugs, addictions, unemployment, evictions, and on and on. You may live in a safe place or have the ability to provide your family a safe and healthy life. But, I'm sounding the alarm today, now, and urgently, this problem will be your problem soon.
One of the towns I was visiting, population around 5,000, had a story circulating where an outside investor purchased the three largest mobile home parks in the community. These are communities with over 100 or more mobile homes. Shortly after the purchase was final, the new owner sent letters to each lot renter in the parks. Lot rent was roughly $325 at the time of purchase and the letter was to inform each renter of the coming lot rent increase to $550.00. This is drastic for retirees and senior citizens living on fixed incomes. Impossible is more like it. Because the new investor now creates a monopoly by owning the three mobile home parks, the renters are in an extreme bind and in many cases no place to go or the finances to do so. These stories are surfacing around our nation.
I would encourage you to take the time to watch the free documentary titled the Greatest Reset - The Beast Rising. Anyone still wondering about Covid-19 and the vax should watch this in full. The Greatest Reset You simply register your email address to access the documentary.
Our new word of the week is stochastic terrorism -It involves 'the use of mass media to provoke random acts of ideologically motivated violence that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable. Hmmm, I wonder if someone pulled this out of the local convenience box. I worked in the world of terrorism and all facets supporting the federal government and I had never heard of this word previously.
Let us move on ....
HFS 3rd Annual Autumn Rally

This year's event will be conducted indoors with two class areas for multiple classes during the day. Some of the classes slated at this point will be suturing, stapling, and IVs, fermenting vegetables, digital ham radio and building antennas, resourcing, satellite phones, making fire cider, and the new food calculator (Excel product), making elderberry syrup, and proper packing of dry food resources. All instructors are HFS members, and it is great to see them bring some of their skills to share with other members. Classes: Making fire cider and elderberry syrup, fermenting vegetables, IVs, suturing and staples, using the Excell food calculator and more. I will keep you updated here. Author John Dyslin - Nehemiah Strong will be our guest speaker in the late afternoon. If you plan to attend, email me at the following address:
Virtual Training -

Localized Training

- SUTURE & STAPLE CLASS OCTOBER 30 2022 9AM KNOXVILLE TN - Dr Joe Alton and Nurse Amy from Doom and Gloom Preparedness $199.00 - Suture & Staple Class October 30 2022 9am Knoxville TN - Doom and Bloom (TM) Shop
Joe Alton MD, physician and surgeon, and Amy Alton, Nurse Practitioner will be teaching a
Hands-on Wound Care Suture and Stapling Class at the
Self-Reliance Experience, on Sunday October 30, at 9am-12pm.
CHILHOWEE PARK & EXPOSITION CENTER 3301 E Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914 EXPO HOURS: Saturday: 9am – 5pm | Sunday: 9am – 4pm
Regional Training - Skinny Medic
Trauma Class Nov 19 - Easly SC - Skinny Medic Trauma Class Nov 19 | Medical Gear Outfitters
Trauma Class Dec 10 - Easly SC - Skinny Medic Trauma Class Dec 10 | Medical Gear Outfitters
Regional Training - Fruit Tree Series - Univ Tennessee Extension - East TN -(Greene County) - Small Fruit and Home Orchard (
Hive Life - Sevierville, TN - January 5, 6, and 7, 2023

Henryville, Indiana- Patriot Homesteader Conference - April - 2023

HFS Thursday Zoom - HFS Zoom Rally #98 was conducted on Thursday evening with learning and discussion on container gardening through autumn and winter seasons. We also discussed setting up alternative power sources for your home water system. We had good group discussion on types of solar panels as well as types of well pumps. This may seem like ordering Mexican food in a Burger joint, but it did piece together and make sense for those in the virtual room.
Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:
Facebook – Hope for Survival
YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival
MeWe: - //
Odysee - Hope for Survival (
Parler - Preparedness101
Check out the HFS YouTube video at the following link. Hope For Survival - YouTube The latest YouTube video posted was Sept 20, 2022, titled Preparedness - Theory vs Reality can be found at this link This is a video of my presentation to the North Alabama Prepper Network (NARPNet) in Huntsville, AL on Sept 10, 2022. Thanks to the host and NARPNet for the invitation to speak to their group. It was fun to be back in Huntsville again where it all started out in 2012 ish.
Connect and give me a shout. Hit subscribe and share with family and friends.
Guest and Newcomers
If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional
information offered through HFS.
Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (
Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)
Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)
HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.
Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...
Thoughts for the week -
Why don't so many understand? That may be the million-dollar question for many. Probably 30 years ago I was told a simple quote that has stuck with me over many years, many miles, many situations and continents. "Ninety percent of preparedness is awareness." You can buy truckloads of food, water, ammo and other needed resources, but if you aren't aware of your circumstances and situation, you won't be prepared no matter how much effort you make. I know, I know, you get sick of hearing it over and over. You are right. I have nothing better to write about and I don't mind spending hours doing it because I have so much free time. (Smiling) Hey, instead of shaking your head saying, "here we go again," grab a copy of The Art of War by Sun Tzu to read instead. You may be shocked to read the same advice. Just saying....
I continually preach, harp, yell, and pound the podium on this topic because this is the single area that is going to bite you in the behind. That's right. Always has and always will. When in school did you study for exams? Did you prepare for lunch each day by packing a lunch or getting money to buy lunch? How did you get to school? Walk, drive, school bus, parents? All of my questions present things you are aware of and must prepare for. Right?
So why are so many Patriots stuck? What do I mean? I hear from and/or talk with so many who tell me all the things going on or wrong with our country, yet they then tell me they are doing nothing to prepare when asked. Do you realize so much of what we are living through was written and shared in the years past. Thats right. Yet so many who are paying attention are waiting on someone to tell them what comes next. These voices aren't really telling people what to do and they end each message with hype to bring the listener back day after day. I won't even go into the click bait and the fact these voices make their living via this method and platform. That's okay and how these platforms make their living. Nothing wrong with that, right. The issue here and the point I'm making is these same listeners do not know when to turn it off and focus on what is important. Now, these same people are adults and must make their own decisions.
Sometimes I think I have heard it all and another day arrives, and I hear something crazier. I read a post on a blog the other day where a follower of the site posted a comment along the lines of "since the current man in the White House isn't the elected leader, then the military should refuse to follow orders until they are directed to do so by former President Trump." Huh? Or another comment that stated, "the military is secretly working for the former President from his secret vault in Florida and soon they will remove the current imposter occupying the Oval office." Or, another post which read " As I said a couple years ago, it is easy for the adversary to see this following and tell them to stay on the porch and be patient because help is on the way. In the meantime, the world is upside down and psychological warfare is being performed and displayed and hour by hour, day by day, and everyone on the porch knows help is on the way. What is the difference between those who stay home and wait on a check vs getting a job compared to those who wait on the porch for someone else to fix the problem. Wouldn't both sides be categorized under psychological dependency?
If you have the smarts enough to see everything going on in the country and around the world you should be smart enough to piece, it together. Stop worrying about the dying grass under the tree and worry about the dead tree that could fall at any time and crush you, your family, or your home. I want you to read the following quotes and then tell me what else you really need to know about what is going on today. I have shared this before and will share it again, and again. The ship is going down and someone who sees it happening needs to warn and clear as many as possible before they realize it's too late and the party is over. Just saying.
- Truth - Former C.I.A. Director Casey who served in the director capacity 1981-1987 - "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
- Control - Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger - “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
- Scientist at the CERN - "Science fiction is only science fiction until it is fiction no more."
While you can't control many of the problems and events of the world, you can be knowledgeable of them and determine how they will impact you and your community. That is where it will matter the most. While many await the return of our former President and Elvis to sing "I did it my way" others are destroying our way of life around us. I could go on and on, but I hope you get the point by now.
My dad was a music education teacher for over 45 years, and it took a sense of humor to survive teaching kids for so long. He taught in a somewhat rural coal mining town in western VA. The high school band was 7-12 grades in order to have a band. Dad once told me he could take a football player and in one hour teach him to play the base drum. One drum and one mallet in each hand. The base drum was the backbone or main beat to the song based on the time the song was in. Meaning, 3/4 time would mean a base drum beat on one, or three base drumbeats on 1, 2, and 3. Kind of a waltz rhythm, or 4/4 time which could be a base drum beat on 1, 2, 3, and 4, or on 1 and 3. The entire band would be playing music going in all different patterns, runs, and so forth but the base drum still was the backbone that provided the beat the band would follow. Me, you, and everyone else paying attention must focus on the base drum beat and what it is telling us and stop listening to all the noise going on around us. All the distractions (other instruments) are following the base drumbeat. We need to follow the base drum beat and know how the song ends in our local community.
While we are trying to figure things out......
Why do we, as humans, make life so difficult? Do you ever think about some realities and compare to actions we are witnessing and scratch your head wondering, what in the heck?
- Why are US Astronauts renting space and flying around a space station with Russian and Chinese equivalents while we hear news the US is on the verge of a nuclear war with Russia and the US currently working and negotiating new arms deal with Iran.....through Russia.
- Why is the US Government trying to disarm the American populace while arming ISIS and the Taliban with US weapons left behind in Afghanistan.
- Why would 50% of American citizens race to take a vaccination (term defined by government) to avoid and survive a pandemic while the same government has opened the southern border gates to flood the nation with unvaccinated citizens who are flooding small town America?
- Why aren't we hearing loud echoes of elected Republicans from Washington D.C. on every airwave and network available? If Donald Trump represented the Republican Party and the elected Republican Congress and Senate also represented the Republican Party, then someone is role playing. Why are so many missing it? Like him or not, DT is being railroaded but the out-of-control federal justice system. You don't have to like or not like Trump, Alex Jones, Roger Stone, the jailed Jan 6 victims, the California Priest or Tennessee Pastor currently jailed. This is about the Constitution and 1st Amendment Rights of our citizens.
- Why does the federal government and Pentagon tell US troops who are struggling to pay bills and provide food for families, to apply for food stamps and help, while handing over free money to illegals crossing our border?
Next ...
With all the events currently occurring around our great nation, it would be wise and very prudent to take steps to have some basics stored in your home or location to hold you over in the event of disruption to our existing supply and demand system. As I have covered in previous articles, newsletters and training, we are currently living through a period not previously experienced at once. That being, a pandemic, fires, hurricanes, riots, anarchy, shortages of some consumption supplies and soon winter will be upon us, not to mention what appears to be a tumultuous election soon. Are you ready?
Below are some basic goods and materials you may wish to stock up on and have available in the event any of the ongoing events impacts your region or community. Remember, the disaster does not have to be upon you to impact your way of life. Any event around the nation could impact the ability to keep food, fuel, medicines, and even electricity, to you. Are you prepared?
Just do the best you can to stay ahead of the game. There are many available checklists to build your own personal lists.
Preparers Checklist
Food Pillar – You should have no less than a 30-day supply on hand for each person. I strongly encourage you to stretch that out to six months as soon as possible. You must determine the number of calories required daily for each person. Men should be around 2,500 and women around 2,000. Also, consider the level of activity, stress, age, and healthy condition when determining the total needed per person. I attached a food calculator to the email just sent to you that you can use to identify number of personnel and number of days/months you are planning for as you start to identify your food requirements.
Cooking Oils (coconut, vegetable, olive, etc.)
Cooking Powders (flour, baking powder/soda, etc.)
Dairy products, dry
Eggs, dry
Freeze-dried entrees and meals
Fruit (dried, canned, preserved)
Grains and cereals
MREs and other ready-to-eat packaged foods
Protein, animal (fish, meat, poultry)
Protein plant (beans, lentils, nuts, powdered mixes)
Salt, iodized
Seeds for both consumption and planting
Soups and stews
Sweeteners (agave, honey, sugar, etc.)
Vegetables (dried, canned, preserved)
Food Procurement Needs (Hunting and Trapping)
.22 air pellet gun, pellets and gas cartridges
.22 rifle and ammo
Compound bow/crossbow and arrows
Maintenance materials for items in this group
Rifle and ammo
Shotgun and ammo
Traps and snares
Fishing – Compact fishing kit and full-sized fishing rod and tackles
Water Pillar
You should have enough potable water to support each person with two gallons per day for the duration you are planning to support. Hydration is critical. Store water away from light, chemical and pesticides, and do not stack plastic containers on concrete surfaces. You should always use opaque, FDA-approved, food-grade containers to store your water. If possible, rotate your water supply every six-months unless you treat it with a water preservative.
Water Storage Options:
Individual bottles or cans
Portable water container (1, 5, or 7 gallons sizes are easier to move)
Static water containers (30-50 gallon drums, larger tanks or cistern)
Water resupply plan
Water filtration straws, water treatment tablets, drops, or clorox
Preservation and Treatment
Chemical disinfectant supplies
Heat source and fuel for boiling water
Ultraviolent water sterilizer
Water filter/purifier per person
Water flavor enhancer to improve the taste of treated water
Shelter Pillar
During an emergency, you are usually better off hunkering down in your home. A time may come when you need to seek shelter elsewhere. Additionally, you should know where your emergency shelter is located but also have a bug-out plan in a safe location where you can seek shelter.
Hunkering Down at Home
Fire extinguishers
Generator, fuel and maintenance tools and materials
Power Inverter
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and batteries
Wood or manufactured fireplace logs and kindling
Fabricated Shelter
Sleeping bags and ground mats, appropriately sized and insulated
Tarps, real 550 cord and bungee cords
Tent replacement and repair parts
Tent(s) large enough for people, pets and weather-sensitive gear
Local Emergency Shelter
Know the location of the closest emergency shelter
Clothing and Equipment
Base layer and street clothing suited to your environment at any time of the year
Hunting/camouflage clothing and accessories
Insect-and snake-protective clothing
Weather-resistant clothing, outerwear, headwear and footwear
Security Pillar
This pillar includes safety issues, along with self-defense, making it a very broad category. If you have additional security and safety preparations, you should add them to this list.
Remember, you want as much standoff distance between you and the threat and early warning to let you know the threat is approaching. The threat doesn't always have to come from the outside. You should also consider internal threats as well. A hungry human can turn on you instantly, family, friend, or stranger.
Home Security/Early-Warning System
Home Alarm
Motion Detectors
Remote camera systems
These items are just the basics, and you should consider adding other resources as you identify them. Build a binder with your checklists, location of resources, quantities, and then track same to know when you are getting low and need to resupply if possible. Don't wait till the last minute, if there is a last minute.
Internally HFS maintains 17- and 32-page checklists and do not post them on the net because of size.
Until next week, be at peace and know each of us can make tomorrow a better day for someone else.
And that's my thoughts for the week....
Preparedness News –
1. From Hillsborough Homesteading - 14 Ideas for Gardening with Coffee Grounds ( - We use coffee grounds and crushed eggshells throughout the year on our garden and plants. Our tomato plants looked frail in the beginning of the season we placed a mixture of coffee grounds with crushed eggshells about six inches from the plant base and within a week they perked up and had a good growing season.
2. From Tom Marlowe - Homesteading Hippy - Cast Iron Care: It Will Last You a Lifetime! ( - Is there anything worse than going to a yard sale and finding rusting cast iron cookware? Then smile when you see the cheap price and grab it up to take home? I love cooking with cast iron over a campfire. I just find the sound of sizzling bacon in my cast iron skillet over the open fire to be awesome. Take care of your cast iron and it will last for many years.
3. From Tim Mackay - Online Survival - Air Drying Vegetables Step by Step ( - Good information to know and have if you don't already have it in your printed library.
4. From Bob Rodgers - Preppers Will - Top 10 Essential Off-Grid Tools To Have On Hand ( - More good information to hold and procure as time permits. You may say, "I'm not off grid". Maybe not. But if your electricity fails and your water stops shortly after, you are basically off grid now. What is your plan?
5. From Katherine Patterson - Ask a Prepper - It’s About Time You Started Growing Nature’s Ibuprofen In Your Backyard Too - Ask a Prepper - Good information to add to your paper library.
Other News -
1. From Mike Lee - Fox news - Service members sound alarm against 'extremely woke' military | Fox News - I'm probably not the right person to comment on this topic because I'm a 20-year biased veteran who believes the woke movement is purposely destroying the US military. Twenty years ago, when basic training started using "timeout" cards for trainees under stressful situations, I knew the sled was headed downhill with no brakes. Wokeness has no place in the US military.
2. From Wolf Richter - Wolf Street -
3. From Eric Lendrum - American Greatness - Biden DHS Hands Out Cell Phones to Over 255,000 Illegal Aliens › American Greatness ( - OB 2.0 Same thing different day. We are living through a continuation of what JBs former boss started. While many Americans struggle to buy food, buy gas, pay heating, rent, and medical bills, our government is aiding noncitizens breaking into our nation. How many Republicans do you hear shouting from the top steps of the US Capitol? Crickets.
4. From Steve Watson - Summit News - CDC Report: Record Number Of Kids Being HOSPITALISED Due To Weakened Immune Systems – Summit News - The failure to understand what is going on is like putting 100 people in front of an orchestra and afterwards being told the orchestra played ten different songs when reality only one song was performed. Welcome to America.
5. From the Herland Report - - Constitutional Attorney John Whitehead appears on the Herland Report to discuss surveillance Capitalism
Drum roll...........
That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.
May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.
Please remember our Patriot sister and her family in Northwestern Alabama in your prayers while her mother recovers from a severe stroke. Please pray for our Patriot sister in Western NC as she continues her struggle with symptoms like vertigo. Please lift her up in prayer. We pray for our Patriot brother in Northern Alabama in his ongoing health ordeal. May you all be lifted in prayer and spirit in the days ahead. Please remember our Patriot family in central Alabama and a quick recovery for our brother who fell recently and is recovering from neck and back injuries from the fall. Get well soon. Please keep our Florida and East coast citizens in your prayers as they live through Hurricane Ian.
As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.
Bravo Echo Out,
