Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #185. Thanks for stopping by to check out this week's newsletter and information. The temps are cooling down and it's about time to get out the warm breakfast meals and put on the chili for the afternoon meal. Don't you love this time of year?
Crazy times and crazy news as always. Some things would be almost unbelievable if I wasn't already aware of them from years past and now seeing things fully developed. Is the day coming when man will create so much advanced technology that the technology will turn on mankind? We are living in a Matrix type Star Wars world and your tax dollars are funding these creations without your knowledge. How do you feel about that? So while we spent 2 1/2 years locked up in our homes, businesses shut down, economy crashed, people sick and dying, suicide rates sky rocketing, divorce rates off the charts, our nation divided and getting worse, once again our favorite citizen, Dr. Fauci director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President appears to have authorized another grant of sorts to Boston University for additional research and testing on strains of Covid-19. This week, Boston Univ announced another strain that is 80% deadly. Haven't we learned our lesson yet? Then Boston Univ. felt the heat from the Big G and started back stepping their accouchement. Meanwhile our ally across the pond announced several weeks ago citizens should be preparing for rolling blackouts and outages over the coming months. Then this week it was announced the British government was exercising their plans for the deployment of martial law, if needed. It gets better. Now, the new Prime Minister Liz Truss has announced her resignation making her the shortest tenured PM in history.
While the sun continues spewing out Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) level debris, winter is quickly moving in across Europe. Millions of Europeans still have no resolve on how they will keep from freezing this winter season. The royalty of Saudi Arabia told our chosen one to pound sand in his request to delay cuts in oil production, and our ally the Turks is negotiating with Russia for more weapons. Americans continue paying high fuel prices while our strategic reserves are being sold abroad. How does this make you feel as a tax paying citizen? What will ever happen in our great nation if enough people ever slow down and start thinking what is going on. I've heard and read studies and reports that one of the biggest complaints of Americans between the ages of 20 and 35 is how our generation bankrupted the nation and destroyed any chance of a future for them because of the debt. Think about it, is this why so many demand their educations be paid off by the government to run the debt higher? You, me, Cuzzins Eddie and Joe Dirt, are paying off this debt for them. It is our fault, not our elected representatives in Washington, DC. Just ask any youth and they will tell you so. Sadly, our public schools are promoting transgenderism instead of world history while our cities are crime ridden and carjacking is now a one-week virtual course for certification. Remember singing these lyrics in elementary school...."this is my country? Think of these words. This is my country! Land of my birth! This is my country! Grandest on earth! I pledge thee my allegiance, America, the bold, for this is my country to have and to hold. This is my country! Hmmm, would this song be racist today?
How many who cherish these old school sung songs are now considered racist homophobes? Yes, it's America and in Philadelphia, PA during an Eagles football game, First Lady JB was shown on the stadium screens to the thousands of attendees and then the chants started. A roar of boos echoed in harmony of Fxxk Joe Bxxxn. Yes, he got 90 million votes and leads the free world and booming economy. So while citizens and noncitizens in Los Angeles are paying $6.46 per gallon, Uncle Joe is slap sticking another ice cream cone and taught Ing how good the American economy is now. Thank goodness I have my own faith to stay grounded.
I got to spend a few hours with one of our local HFS Patriots and we had a good chat on faith, preparedness, water pumps, range firing, and more. I rarely have free time to get to do these things, so it was very nice. I appreciate him stopping by for a bit to chat. When I get to hear stories of all the great things preparers are doing to be better prepared and it's rewarding in so many ways. Keep up the great work and don't let challenges stop you.
Let us move on ....
HFS 3rd Annual Autumn Rally - Nov 5, 2022 - 830 AM (Doors Open) Classes - 915 - 530 PM

This year's event will be conducted indoors with two class areas for multiple classes during the day. All instructors are HFS members, and it is great to see them bring some of their skills to share with other members. Below is the tentative schedule.
Tentative Schedule - The schedule is based on information I have today and committed instructors to lead the identified class.
Classroom 1 (Enclosed Room) 915 – 1000 – Fermenting Vegetables 1015 – 1100 - Preparing, Packing, and Storing Dry Goods 1115 – 1200 – Suturing, Staples, and IVs 1200 – 1255 Lunch 1255 – Group Picture Main Room 1 – 145 – Building your family/team/community preparedness binder 2 – 245 – Food Calculator 3 – 345 – Suturing, Staples, and IVs 4 – 5 Guest Speaker – John Dyslin – Author Nehemiah Strong - GA 5 – 530 Closing questions and comments Classroom 2 (Open Room) 915 – 1000 – Setting up your Ready/Day Bag - Bring your ready/day bag to class with you
1015 – 1100 - Making Fire Cider and Elderberry Syrup
1115 – 1200 – Security trinkets, gadgets, bells and buzzers
1200 - 1255 Lunch
1255 – Group Picture Main Room
1 – 145 – Digital Ham radio and building Antennas
2 – 245 - Satellite Phone and Bivy Stick (Have your personal sat phone with you in class) - TN
3 – 345 – Resourcing for Preparedness goods
4 – 5 Guest Speaker – John Dyslin – Author Nehemiah Strong - GA
5 – 530 Closing questions and comments
If you plan to attend, email me at the following address:
Virtual Training -

Localized Training

- SUTURE & STAPLE CLASS OCTOBER 30 2022 9AM KNOXVILLE TN - Dr Joe Alton and Nurse Amy from Doom and Gloom Preparedness $199.00 - Suture & Staple Class October 30 2022 9am Knoxville TN - Doom and Bloom (TM) Shop
Joe Alton MD, physician and surgeon, and Amy Alton, Nurse Practitioner will be teaching a
Hands-on Wound Care Suture and Stapling Class at the
Self-Reliance Experience, on Sunday October 30, at 9am-12pm.
CHILHOWEE PARK & EXPOSITION CENTER 3301 E Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914 EXPO HOURS: Saturday: 9am – 5pm | Sunday: 9am – 4pm
Regional Training - Skinny Medic
Trauma Class Nov 19 - Easly SC - Skinny Medic Trauma Class Nov 19 | Medical Gear Outfitters
Trauma Class Dec 10 - Easly SC - Skinny Medic Trauma Class Dec 10 | Medical Gear Outfitters
Regional Training - Fruit Tree Series - Univ Tennessee Extension - East TN -(Greene County) - Small Fruit and Home Orchard (
Hive Life - Sevierville, TN - January 5, 6, and 7, 2023

Henryville, Indiana- Patriot Homesteader Conference - April - 2023

HFS Thursday Zoom - There was no zoom rally this week.
Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:
Facebook – Hope for Survival
YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival
MeWe: - //
Odysee - Hope for Survival (
Parler - Preparedness101
Check out the HFS YouTube video at the following link. I added two new YouTube videos this week for your viewing. Hope For Survival - YouTube The latest YouTube video posted on Oct 16, 2022, titled Winterizing My Raised Bed Garden. Hope For Survival - YouTube Also added is Buddy Check Yourself and your loved ones. Check them out. If you have not, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel by hitting like and then subscribe.
Connect and give me a shout. Again, hit subscribe and share with family and friends.
Guest and Newcomers
If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional
information offered through HFS.
Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (
Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)
Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)
HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.
Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...
Thoughts for the week -
What they are forgetting - Radiation and food, animals, soil, water, trees.....

I was having a chat this week with my buddy Wilson the squirrel because I noticed him sneaking around my trees covertly with some kind of crazy head garb. When I approached him I couldn't help but chuckle a bit to see Wilson in his squirrel version of a gas mask. When I asked what all the excitement was about Wilson, through a muffled voice, said something about rumblings of something Putin toxic gasses. I had to chuckle a bit over the statement, but I can see why it would be so easy to get confused and misconstrue truth in the world we are living now.
Yes, it is important and yes, details matter, but so much focus is on misinformation, and we all are going to die when the real Putin nukes America. Let us be blunt here. Unless you are directly in the targeted blast area that will be vaporized, you can survive a nuclear attack with proper planning, location and sustainability. But having and knowing key information is the difference.
In case you missed it, the liberal cities of New York City and Newark, N.J. and probably more, are announcing different steps in disaster preparedness in the event of a nuclear attack. That's right, drop, cover, and roll, under the table. Hold your breath for ten minutes and at that point you should be okay and not breath in any radiation that will kill you. The insanity goes on and on. Have you asked, why are cities screaming paranoia under the calm of leading the charge, yet I have yet to hear a squeak from our leaders in Washington D.C. Matter of fact, I have yet to read or hear any plans regarding the water shortages in the Western US of A, or the rivers drying up around America, or an explanation to the new phrase being used to explain the recession we are diving in headfirst. Oh, if you hear the phrase "everything's great" then it is confirmation the lying continues. I really don't need to continue this debate, do I?
I can share all about the chemical gear and setting up your home or secure space to protect you against radiation fallout. Have you purchased this or have you purchased that. Wrap this, tuck that, close this and harden that. It is not impossible but at least 80% of America will walk right in to radiation fallout because they can't see it. Remember the first days of Covid-19 and all the people racing to Wal Mart in their face diapers to fight over the last 9-pack of toilet paper? Yea, the same people. A wise person can invest a couple hours of their time to read protective steps and measures to put in place, then buy a few resources like lots of rags, rolls of plastic and duct tape, and a few other items, and lock down at home. Again, as long as they are not in the blast radius of the weapon. I'm not going into great detail here because this part is not the intent of what I am mentioning the topic in the first place.
While in the military we spent countless hours quarterly semi and annually training for this threat. Then when I went over to special operations it was even worse, but far more realistic based on the locations we traveled and missions we had. But our focus was on the mission. Protecting our people and assets to go do the mission and return to home base. I think back to the hours spent in the extreme heat breathing through the filters and thinking at any moment I was going to go meet George Burns on the set of "Oh God." Then some genius created the gasmask with the connected hose so we could connect to our canteen and drink safe water without contamination exposure. Then I graduated to the real world where air crews and engineers would launch military spec ops airframes in full chem gear and night vision devices. Talk about being impressed. Wow. It was amazing.
Yet through everything I have mentioned, the single critical topic it seems no one mentions and especially to the civilian populace, is food. Once radiated, what will the people eat? Chickens, cows, pigs, birds, deer, turkey, fish, fruit, nuts, gardens and more...gone for years in the impacted areas. Once again, what will the people eat? Again, this all depends on the location, wind, size of the weapon, targeted populace and so forth. Citizens closest to ground zero is the fireball. Immediate incineration will occur. Then you have the radiation and all the negative impacts it will have immediately, short, and long term. Then the air blast will occur on a larger populace. It is almost like an inhale and exhale process a single time. Then a larger area will endure the thermal radiation impact. These are all deadly but come on an increasing vastness to square mileage and human numbers. Where many of the humans will die immediately, the larger expanded areas will deliver longer suffering and prolonged symptoms leading to death. Below is an example of the different blast levels and radiuses impacted.

Considering the example above, the levels of impact will be different dependent upon where you are located, wind speed and direction as well as size of the weapon used and height at the point of detonation.
For a human to survive post event without suffering from any weapon impact they will need to have a plan to stay indoors, breath clean air, and lock down for a period of time. This means having all the supplies and resources to survive. Food and water will be essential and key for a sustained period without having any ability to grow food and obtain water outside. Unless you have the ability to live off of stocked food and preserved water, your chances of surviving medium to long term are minimal unless you can grow food inside and the soil used was collected prior to the event.
This goes back to our effort here at HFS to persuade you to start preparing a long-term food plan to sustain your family and community. As explained in my first book which is available for purchase on our website you will need a multi-phased food plan with dehydrated, garden foods and meats canned at home, store bought canned goods, and the ability to grow food at some point long term.
If you haven't figured it out yet, preparedness is about all events day to day. And proper preparedness comes down to determining the risk to you in every event. If you do not live near a major populated city or a city that is likely to be targeted, your likelihood of a nuclear threat or contamination shrinks. The issue here figuring out the likelihood of the fallout if a city is attacked or an accident occurs.
I read hundreds of blog reader comments weekly, and I'm simply amazed at home many people prepare based off of books and storylines in the books. Now, this is better than nothing because most post-apocalyptic authors include the mention of good practices and equipment. But, it's not tailored to your situation and location. Most people will not put forth the effort. It is that simple. It is easier to close the book and run down to the corner stop-n-rob for twinkies and Dorito's than to pull out some paper and fire up some brain cells and build a plan. It's a personal choice and many are failing at this critical stage because they still trust a failing system to care for them. I rest my case.
Next .....
Old Glory and the unworthy -

What does the flag mean? It stands for many things to many people, past and present. It can be summed up like this; the red stripes symbolize strength and valor, the blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance, and justice, and the white symbolizes purity and innocence. One can find far more meanings and descriptions of our flag but for the point of my topic lets stick with what I have shared in this paragraph. Personally, when I think of our flag I also think of honor, respect, hard work, leading the way for those who can't get up or stand up on their own, and defending others who represent the same values held in American traditions and standards. Now, that's just me and I am bit soft when it comes to Old Glory. For those who read the PENL regularly you probably have noticed I speak of our nations flag often. It means something to me and insults to what she stands for I take personally.
During my daily routine of working from home, I have the pleasure of looking out the window beside my desk to see Old Glory flying in my back yard surrounded by beautiful trees and nature. Of course, my mind drifts to many thoughts and places of my past life and what we are currently living through in America and the world.
I think back to my childhood and early years where Old Glory was displayed with pride and celebration. Red, white, and blue, hanging from homes and office buildings was easy to find during most holidays. It was always special to attend or participate in holiday parades where the American flag would be carried high and with pride at the start of a parade. Many local marching bands would have a flag carried at the front and center. Some of our larger cities would stretch a cable across main street with a super-sized flag hanging in the breeze. During nationally televised events with our President speaking to the nation a crisply folded American flag would be standing erect and with boldness to represent our great nation. When our President or key leaders of our government traveled abroad, internal problems at home remained at home. Our leaders displayed pride and privilege of being American. During periods our nation's military was involved internationally in conflicts, wars, and humanitarian efforts video footage being shown on our nightly news would show troops and military vehicles displaying our beautiful flag. Strength and courage on display for the world to see. Right or wrong, no one questioned who led the world. There was little to no doubt when trouble or need surfaced, America was on her way or else on scene.
Throughout life it was always a very special honor to take part in any event that included the American flag, both at home and internationally. It was not acceptable to disrespect or degrade our symbol of freedom, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the many who sacrificed life and limb abroad or at home, to preserve what our flag stood for. It just was not acceptable, period. Even though the rights of those who disliked our flag and stomped on it, burned it, or destroyed it, could do so freely under 1st Amendment protection, it still wasn't acceptable in my eyes. The flag represented so much and so many. It is a very special moment and feeling to watch the sun rise any place in the world and see our stars and stripes gently whipping in a breeze against a new day and the golden rays. It also one of the most gut-wrenching experiences when a bugle sounds off TAPS at the funeral of a veteran. It's not just a flag. It's the American flag. There is no other flags or symbols of a nation in the world quiet like it, in my opinion.
Something that has been churning in my noggin the past few months is this. Why do we no longer have elected leaders who promote the America 1st platform? Why do many of our elected leaders go abroad and speak down to what our nation stands for and represents? Aside from Orange Man Bad, ten of the last 14 years we endured our nation's top elected officials traveling abroad and speaking negatively about America, our history, and our future. Our borders remain insecure, our streets and cities are crime ridden with non-citizens, our elected officials degrade America and our people, and pass laws against the best interest of our people and nation. Over the past forty years our skilled jobs, manufacturing, and labor, was contracted outside America. We are now a nation dependent upon labor and resources from abroad. Why?
How is it that we Americans work hard, pay taxes, and try to build better communities, yet a person can get elected one time and leave office after one term a millionaire....and get away with it. Democrats and Republicans are selling us out for their own gain, padding their pockets, and leaving us further in debt with no ability to get ahead as a nation or family. This is not an America problem, it's an American problem.
Our leadership is no longer worthy of our great flag and what she has stood for over the past 276 years. It is sad to see representation wearing the American flag pin on their lapel while voicing they are the voice of the American people. These same people allowed our nation to transition to a mindset where waving the American flag is no longer a cool think to do. Where many now see the American flag as a symbol of oppression, slavery, white privilege, and disrespect to third world nations and their people. Like I asked previously, how come we no longer hold our elected voice accountable for not just what they do, but also what they say about America. I believe that any person taking the oath of office in the U.S. Government, State Government, or local government, must not only be a U.S. Citizen, but also hold allegiance to the U.S. Constitution and be removed immediately when evidence is presented otherwise. Accountability to the American people must be restored immediately.
Have you asked yourself lately, "why do I never hear a politician mention our national debt?" Or, "why do I never hear a politician mention a balanced budget amendment?" Or, "why do I never hear a politician stand on the U.S. Capitol steps and demand accountability and warn the American people what is happening behind our back?" Or, "will the American citizens even care when they find out all the things being done behind their backs to leave our nation bankrupt, weak, and broken?"
Look at our current government and identify how many elected faces hold more than ten years of tenure. How about 20 years of tenure. Thirty? Forty? They smile at you and tell you how great things are going, and the plan is to send you more sunshine in your next empty promise. How does that make you feel? Full of vitamin C? Yea, well, no matter how much vitamin C and D you consume it will not decrease the $31 trillion dollar debt the smiling employees has caused and continues to increase.
Are they worthy of representing our nation and wearing our flag, approving their own personal raises? No, our representation no longer promotes America first, at home or abroad. While the flood gates are open at our borders and our tax dollars are paying for everything but "America First" brand," we are declared racist for speaking as a true American who loves our great nation. The unworthy are declaring the worthy unworthy. I'm sure when history of this period is documented it will be told by the unworthy. The same unworthy who took us from the world pedestal of education, industrial development, military might, and the land of opportunity. Sadly 50% of our populace will have to catch the replay of this take down because they are busy destroying all that has been good.
So the next time you feel depressed from something you see around you, just stop and remember the good old days when a grandfather rode his tractor daily to farm the fields before our unworthy shipped all our needs overseas. And the next time you go to buy a belt or tire for your lawnmower just remember your pop going to buy that product from the corner hardware store before the unworthy shipped the production of these resources overseas. And when you are standing in your corner drug store waiting to be told your prescription isn't available because there's a shortage in the production system, just remember the unworthy who shipped production of our critical meds to China for production. You get the point, right? While we worked hard, paid taxes, and tried to do good for our family and community, the unworthy we elected and sent to Washington D.C. to represent our core values, traded in his/her integrity license for the betterment of the unworthy establishment. I'm sure at one time or another each and every one of them meant well and probably grew up in a white house with the picket fence.
Just always remember, it's not personal, it's business.
Until next week, be at peace and know each of us can make tomorrow a better day for someone else.
And that's my thoughts for the week....
Preparedness News –
1. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: Where Do I Begin? What Exactly Should I Store? - Go ahead and say it, I'm a sucker for checklist and additional information regarding supplies, stocking, inventories, and such. It's always good to check and cross-check existing supplies on hand with suggested resources on newly obtained checklist. The information in the article is suggested by Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science, Brigham Young University which typically offers or provides excellent information for preparing long-term.
2. From Old World Garden Farms - How To Compost Leaves Fast! Turn Leaves Into Amazing Compost ( - Isn't it funny how prior to becoming a preparer having leaves on the lawn was a sin. Now, not putting fallen leaves in the composts bin is the sin around our home. If you don't compost, you should consider doing so. Once you get started and get the benefits of compost for your garden you will smile and be thankful you started.
3. From Katherine Paterson - Ask a Prepper - Meal In A Jar Recipes You Need To Prep While You Can Still Afford It - Ask a Prepper - I was fortunate to attend a class taught by a Patriot brother in HFS who prepares meals in a jar for his preparedness food plan. Good stuff. Nice change of pace in building options in your food menu.
4. From Melissa K. Norris - How to Harvest & Store Potatoes (w/out a Root Cellar) - Melissa K. Norris ( - Good information from the author on options for harvesting and storing potatoes. If this information doesn't fit your scenario, simply think outside the box and apply your trial-and-error lessons learned.
5. From Rusty Collins - TruePrepper - The Ultimate Gas Mask User Guide for Preppers - TruePrepper - When I handed in my gear at retirement after 20 years of active-duty service in the Air Force, handing in my gas mask and accessories was one of the happiest moments in my life. I have nightmares hearing the past words "we need to test our endurance to withstand the 102-degree temps while suited up in our mask and charcoal suits." The only positive to wearing a gas mask in 102 temps is others can't hear and understand your words of praise for their stupid decisions. And here we are again in 2022. For those of you old enough to remember, have you ever asked yourself what good climbing under your school desk would do to protect you during a Soviet attack? Seems about as logical as wearing full chem gear and mask in 102-degree eastern North Carolina summer days.
6. From Kylene - Provident Prepper - How to Store Seeds to Achieve the Highest Germination Rate and Plant Vigor – The Provident Prepper - Excellent guidance for those collecting and storing seeds for future growing periods.
Other News -
1. From Summit News - Zero Hedge - Dems Move To Transfer Air Defense Systems From Saudis To Ukraine As Punishment – Summit News - Is there an analogy to go with the stupidity of this potential step by the left?
2. From Joe Wolverton - New American - Biden Executive Order Abolishes Constitutional Safeguards Against Spying on Americans - The New American - Say it ain't so, Joe. This all started back in 2001 period with the Patriot Act that was soon after weaponized against the American people.
3. From Kate Cadell/Ellen Nakashima - Washington Post - American technology boosts China’s hypersonic missile program ( - Hmmm. Let's just be blunt here. How many doors must we look behind before we realize our great America has been sold out for greed. From planes to jets, ships to submarines, and defense technology to IC technology. Even worse, our justice department is asleep and blind eyed to all of it.
4. From Jim Hoft - Gateway Pundit - Case Report of a Pro-Vaccine Researcher Suggests mRNA Vaccine Might Worsen Lymphoma Cancer ( - it seems each the news regarding Covid related topics only gets worse and worse. Yet, we hear nothing of accountability for the injuries and/or deaths. Oh, we must continue to punish those who chose to not take the jab. Up is down, down is up, left is right, right is left, and smart is a conspiracy and insanity is leading the nation and world. Just saying.
5. From Leon Wolf - Conservative Review - A growing number of Oregon counties are voting to join Idaho because the state's coastal zone ignores their concerns - Conservative Review - It is interesting to follow ongoing stories from the Western states and the wishes of many to break up existing borders. This has been ongoing for years in certain regions.
Drum roll...........
That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.
May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.
Please remember our Patriot sister and her family in Northwestern Alabama in your prayers during this period of loss of her mother. It is not easy losing a parent and it seems we have lost to many parents amongst our HFS family this year. Please pray for our Patriot sister in Western NC as she continues her struggle with symptoms like vertigo. Please lift her up in prayer. We pray for our Patriot brother in Northern Alabama in his ongoing health ordeal. May you all be lifted in prayer and spirit in the days ahead. Please remember our Patriot family in central Alabama and a quick recovery for our brother who fell recently and is recovering from neck and back injuries from the fall. Get well soon.
As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.
Bravo Echo Out,
