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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #188

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #188. We appreciate you stopping by to spend some of your valuable time with us. The elections are over and now we wait. Do you honestly expect to see changes regardless of which party controls each house? Cooler temperatures are moving into East Tennessee with a few nights below freezing.

It is another busy week with a full schedule. The days and evenings are booked up with different things happening. Local neighborhood security team meeting, Bible study group, Ms. Lucy taught a local group of ladies to pressure can chicken, beef, and more. Life is moving through 2022 at a rapid pace towards 2023. We must remind ourselves to also take a deep breath and enjoy the blessing of life. I think we all are guilty to some degree of taking each breath and each blessing for granted.

This is a big week for our military, veterans and families alike with the 247th Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day. Several HFS Patriots are former Marine Corps veterans and I salute each of them and their spouses, widows, and children alike. It has been my personal honor to serve side by side in uniform and then work professionally with several former Marines. Congratulations on your services birthday. I can tell you they do live by their motto, Once a Marine, always a Marine. Happy birthday sisters and brothers.

Typically, I am fairly reserved on Veterans Day and opt to stay home in most cases to give thought and remembrance to my 20 years in uniform, those I served beside and some who never made it home. It was one of the most memorable periods of my life. It was truly my honor to serve our great nation and the citizens who make our nation the greatest of all time. Thank you for paying the bill so the many volunteers could serve the period chosen in each of our personal lives.

Ms. Lucy told me about our local High School offering a Veterans Day salute so along with another HFS Patriot family and Air Force Veteran we signed up and attended. I'm so glad we did. It was a very special evening and the youth and their efforts to make us veterans and family members feel special was outstanding. They provided a meal to all of us along with two long tables of desserts which many of the students baked on their own. Each family was presented with a handwritten thank you card, and another large printing of "what is a veteran." I have shared a picture of "what is a veteran" below.

There had to have been over 100 high school youth participating in the evening's festivities. The youth took time to visit the veterans at their dinner tables to attend and talk with us. Here's a picture of the Veterans cake, the assembly of students at the end of their presentation, and a flag painted by the art department and handed out to each veteran at the end of the evening.

Ms. Lucy and I enjoy going to new places and checking out locally owned Ma and Pa eateries as we find them. There was a place she had been reading about that often holds Friday night Rook card tourneys. We haven't made it out for the card tourney but today they offered a free breakfast to veterans. The key word being biscuits and gravy, with eggs and bacon/sausage. It was off the beaten path in the country about 15 minutes from our house. A country store hardware/store. We walked in and found four elderly gents around a table playing Rook at 930 this morning. Three elderly ladies worked the hot grill dressed in red, white, and blue hats and t-shirts. Have you ever visited a new place and immediately felt like it was family around you? I have to tell you; this place was like hitting the jackpot and home for me. It reminded me of places I had visited during my 20-year military career while traveling state to state and pulling off the highway to a country town and looking for the place to call home for the moment. The food was great and the company equally wonderful. It was America. It was hard working people trying to make it day to day. We ended up having a discussion about the condition of our nation today. Concerned citizens talking about what will happen tomorrow. But, on this day I want to say "thank you" for making America great each day. Here is the new place I will visit again soon.

We held the annual HFS Autumn Rally in NC on Nov 5 in Waynesville, NC and had a great turnout. We had about 58 Patriots from 7 states come together. Everyone seemed to enjoy and get something from the classes offered and opportunity to spend time together in person, vs virtually on our different HFS platforms. We got to meet our new HFS family members from Ohio and North Carolina who took time to join us. There is never enough time at one of these events to get quality time with everyone. Thanks to everyone who participated and spent the day with the Hope for Survival family. We also had a dinner post training day and enjoyed over 30 Patriots together for a great meal and time shared. Blessings to everyone.

Here is our annual group photo. Not everyone was available at the time of the photo.

Let us move along....

Training -

Self Defense, Self Defense Psychology and Fear Management - November 19 and 20, 2022

Cost: $75.00 Ages 16 and Up - 93 Jones Cove Road, Clyde NC - 10 am - 4 pm

Regional Training - Skinny Medic

Regional Training - Fruit Tree Series - Univ Tennessee Extension - East TN -(Greene County) - Small Fruit and Home Orchard (

Hive Life - Sevierville, TN - January 5, 6, and 7, 2023

Henryville, Indiana- Patriot Homesteader Conference - April - 2023

HFS Thursday Zoom Rally #99 - There was no zoom this week.

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

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Parler - Preparedness101

Check out the HFS YouTube video at the following link. The latest YouTube video posted on October 28, 2022, titled Focus....Don't Panic. Check it out. If you have not, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel by hitting like and then subscribe.

Connect and give me a shout. Again, hit subscribe and share with family and friends.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional

Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...

Thoughts for the week -

Soap Box - Honestly, I don't even know where to start.

I realize midterm elections are taking place this week and all the media is focused on misinformation and trying to sway races, but why is no media, to include local media in the tornado zone talking about and showing reports of the devastation that occurred in Texas and Oklahoma as well as parts of Arkansas I do believe. One of the podcasters I follow called Bear, from Bear Independent and Grindstone Ministries is on the ground with a disaster recovery team in multiple locations and states, is reporting they are the only non-Government entity at the locations. Why? Could it be because these are red states? Just wondering. Thanks, Bear, for your hard work, leadership, and faith to continue responding to disasters. Like I stated in Hope for Survival book 1, you don't matter. It's not personal. State and Federal responses to disasters are to recover and restore critical infrastructure to the area. More proof of why you need to prepare immediately. It's just that simple.

I was talking to a Patriot at the HFS Rally last weekend who was a former employee with Homeland Security and FEMA and basically turned Whistleblower and is now in the crosshairs of what appears to be harassment daily from the highest levels. This person can't get a checking account, credit card, or anything in her name. Have you ever imagined what your life would be like under these circumstances simply for expressing your 1st Amendment rights? Close your eyes and vision a US Government entity that sends employees to a computer terminal and types in an American citizen's name and up pops anything and everything regarding the person's life. From digital conversations to financial expenditures, to travel, friends, family, and activities. I declare, this almost sounds like a script from a horror movie, doesn't it? Welcome to the new America. Voting has consequences.

Speaking of voting.... I'm not sure what happened to the big red wave. Personally, I believed the election would never happen as far back as two years ago. I felt the election would be cancelled for some wacky reason or else the same machines from 2020 would be used again without having been fixed.... which was the case in many states. Regardless of the election, the 2022 outcome is an alarming indicator of where our nation stands on key issues. Many wanted us to believe the far right has had enough and the red wave was coming. Others wanted us to believe the woke of the far left would continue moving left. Early analysis is trending towards a common ground or balance in the middle between left and right based on early results. Many of the concerns of those voting trend between global warming, abortion, favorable to transgenderism, and gun control. Think about what I just said. Both red and blue states rejected almost every state bill to enforce stricter abortion laws. One of my favorite political voices who is typically on target every time stated last night it was the worst night of his career. He is a numbers guy, and his recall is brilliant. He worked on the Ted Cruz campaign for several years and was offered a job with the Orange Man bad campaign team also. My question is how did the results differ so much from early indicators in Aug/Sept/Oct numbers? From a position of faith, it appears our nation chose a continued path of immorality from state to state. On a bigger scale this furthermore supports my comment a few months ago of we are in a good vs evil period of history. Abortions, crime, the southern border, education, transgenderism and butchering of children, look at what the voters elected from candidates and state amendments. With each passing election it will be harder for the conservative right to win key state and federal seats based on numbers available to vote and support the right agenda. If you look at a national map, roughly 90 to 95% of the national populace appears red, yet the masses of voters in the inner city is carrying the left agenda and final results. Approximately 37% of unmarried ladies leaned far left to support access to abortions. You decide where this is headed. I want to remain hopeful and positive, but the numbers are not in the favor of a moral direction for our county.


HFS Patriot Getting It Done - This message was sent to me this morning from a fellow Patriot who is getting it done. Approximately three years ago he and his family prepared minimally. Then, they sold their home and moved out of the city several hours away to a rural area. He was basically starting from scratch for his preparedness journey. I have removed a few things in the message to protect his identity and location. Here's the message.

Just checking in to let you know all is well in XXXXXX. Although we still do not have $10k to put in a well and water infrastructure, we keep 20 gallons of distilled on hand and capturing condensation from 3 separate HVAC/dehumidifier systems. We also have 6 65-gallon rain barrels. Finally, our neighbor has an old barrel well which we are working to restore if (when) municipal water fails. Our 24k propane Generac whole-house generator provides backup power for house and large outbuilding. With 800 gallons of propane in an underground tank, we can run the generator twice a day for an hour each for 9 months. That power will also charge 4 lithium-ion batteries for 4,000 watts. The batteries are part of solar power. Can expand battery pack up to 92 units or 92,000 watts if supply chain allows. Have 12 Milspec solar panels of 310 watts. Priority for power would go to charging batteries, powering 16 cubic- foot chest freezer and 2 refrigerator/ freezers. Entire electrical systems and primary car are EMP protected.

The all-steel outbuilding with no windows will also provide some protection from ambient EMP as well as power line surge. The building is fully insulated with HVAC and condensation captured. Will have well water also. Portable potty outside unless threats drive it to inside the building food triage: refrigerated, frozen, canned, dry beans and rice, freeze dried, heritage seeds, deer and squirrels. Fire: electric stove and microwave in house, outdoor propane grill (canister and house propane), wood stove. Propane line to outbuilding for indoor stove.

Security: hardened entry points and array of sticks and stones strategically placed in house/outbuilding. Need to focus on early warning w/i 5 mile to 5 meters particularly if we abandon house and refuge in outbuilding.

Sorry for the long text, but wanted you to know we continue to pray for the best and prepare for the worst. Appreciate all you and HFS brothers and sisters have done to help and continue to do.

Think and pray often for all.



Brother, I'm so proud of you, knowing where you started out in mindset and the total change you adapted. I know this has been mentally and financially challenging but through your faith, sacrifices and hard work, you are making great strides. You are one of many great stories in faith and effort from our HFS sisters and brothers. Keep charging.


Having spent a lot of time outside this great nation in my past life, I was very observant and aware of averages and tried to monitor the local populaces trends and reactions to local and national politics in the nation I was working in. Often times we would work in a country leading up to a national election. We would see how politics, campaigning, and citizen reactions would be to candidates. In most locations it was male vs male for the seat being campaigned for as it was not long after the Berlin Wall came down and the former Soviet Union had collapsed. Much of the politics and mindset remained very one-sided towards male candidates.

During that period a college graduate female applying for a good job would have to pay a fee if hired. Much of the debate was a candidate trying to move the nation forward and the opposition trying to keep many of the Socialist and/or Communist practices in place. Power was important for survival of the elite. I had numerous translators who went to college, worked for the US State Department as a translator, and also worked one or two other jobs to survive. There was no welfare or EBT card payments to the citizens. Poverty was a way of life.

When I look at America over the recent years, I often reflect back in time to compare survival of foreign citizens to American citizens. I also think back to my first memories of political campaign issues in America in 1980 to current day. The US of A had welfare then and more welfare today. Foreign nations I visited still suffer with the poor class which is often suppressed by national governments. I have to ask myself, have we gone backwards in America? We are no longer an Industrialized nation, education numbers are worse, family state and national debt is worse, and crime is no better. Politicians in 1980 had the same campaign commercials then that I see now. Republicans are going to take away your social security check. Democrats are for abortion and want to kill babies. Republicans want to push grandma over the cliff. Democrats are soft on crime. Over the forty years, today we still hear the same thing. How do they get away with never changing their message or be held accountable for the message they deliver to their constituents? Because we the people allow it and continue to vote for the same. Why? Because unlike what I witnessed overseas, the American people are asleep and never hold politicians accountable for their words or actions.

At some point the original intent of politicians working for us changed to now we work for them. In this process we allowed our jobs to be shipped to other nations for cheaper labor and less quality. Today we are a nation of overpaid labor for under skilled workers. Overseas the citizens would not put up with it and would take to the streets until the election official stepped down. In America as long as government money is loaded on EBT cards to over 50% of our populace, nothing changes because most conservatives react like Republican leadership and try to play by the rules.

In America the poor still have cell phones, flat screen jumbo televisions, and food to eat, yet overseas the poor work multiple jobs, walk to work, and choose between being warm and eating, in the wintertime. To survive in foreign lands, one had to step out and find resources daily. In America stepping out isn't part of life because many are handed free money which takes away one's desire to do and have more. How will a country survive when its dependent upon the world for major resources such as food, fuel, and medicinal needs? It won't. Remember, the high welfare, poor education, homelessness and crime rates, are all at the hands of our lawmakers and those we elect and let off with no accountability. They vote in a pay raise on their end while raising taxes on your end.

I think back to those I knew and witnessed in foreign lands and their self-respect always caught my attention. I have to wonder in America what percentage of our populace who willingly remains on government aid and free everything also has no self-respect.

I want to caveat these points by saying many Americans are on government aid and support because they have no other alternative. I realize this. But there is a huge difference of the masses who riot and destroy property when their check is late. In most foreign lands they would be locked up. America is no longer the tough, fighting, spirited people we witnessed years ago. We fought for what we had and worked for what we earned. We didn't get a trophy for finishing in last place like today. When will America wake up and regain its great spirit of the past? Remember, all the nations abroad looked up to America at one time and desired to come to our great nation for a new life. Today they come to America for free money and then go back home. I have to ask, does the outcome of the current election really matter based on what I just said? We have small American family-owned businesses closing daily because of high taxes, high cost of products, and they can't find workers. American families who want to work and survive are being wiped out while non-working citizens are being coddled and funded by the Government. I promise you won't find this in most foreign lands.

Years ago, I was leaving Budapest Hungary and decided to treat my college aged interpreter to dinner and ice cream at McDonalds. Cheap me, right? Actually, she had not been to McDonalds yet because she couldn't afford it. She worked for the American Embassy, tutored children outside of school, and worked as a maid also. She took care of her parents and a sibling. Jobs didn't come easy during this period. I remember when she tasted her ice cream cone, she got teary eyed and when I handed her 1 US Dollar for a future ice cream how she cried. What do you think the response in America would have been? In America one is rewarded for the F report card and a trophy for showing up. In Hungary last place or showing up meant nothing. Starvation was a way of life for many. My point is not we shouldn't care for those in need. But we have made our culture so soft and lazy they do not have or know how to fight to survive. This will eventually bite our nation in the behind. Oh, it already is, three of our five military services and US Coast Guard, are recording annual recruiting deficiencies the past few years.

Next ....

Security Concepts - When we talk about preparedness the focus is typically on food and water. Critical to survival indeed. We must have both, right? I consider water, food, shelter, security, and communication as the top needs with medicinal attached as a must have. We can add several other areas of importance. Much of what is needed can also be more or less based on skills, location, and ability to procure the resources and have room to secure them.

Typically, at the annual HFS annual rallies I try to step back and let the HFS members teach classes and share skills with one another. I put this event together for the members. Due to some last-minute class changes I needed to add one class, so I picked a topic that I receive questions on frequently. That being, low-cost security resources. One can spend endless amounts of money for protection. Alarm and camera systems, gates, barriers, earthen berms, ponds, trenches, guards, and more. The average citizen can't afford all the bells and whistles, but they still want and deserve a level of protection.

I have worked in the security profession for over 40 years and all within the Department of Defense. Security comes with many disciplines within the field. The goal is protecting the resource and that comes in many areas. I will keep this as simple as possible for you to understand. I'm a graduate of the Air Force Police Academy and even though some laugh when I say Air Force Police Academy, I will remind them the Unites States Marine Corp sent their law enforcement trainees to the Air Force Police Academy for training and certification. My career also sent me to numerous schools on different disciplines of security. Being that I was a musician entering the academy and about the size of Barney Fife, you should have a good picture of me when my badge was pinned on my chest. I can assure you over the forty years, there was no classes, subsets, or documentation training me on donut making, or the effectiveness of consuming donuts while on duty. I can tell you that blowing off protection to your family and valuable resources is an invitation to problems. Some believe establishing self-protection is paranoia. I would challenge you to locate and ask any victim of burglary, robbery, stabbings, shootings, kidnapping, beatings, or any other criminal activity, what they wish they would have done better to stop the event from happening.

Security is a process and to understand the process one must also have the ability to step outside the box and develop a mindset to avoid issues that could change your life negatively. Personally, I like to conduct a risk management process doing the needed assessment to determine risk to the task I'm doing. Can I do the task or protect the resource with the identified threats? How can I mitigate the threat and still do the task or protect what I'm trying to protect? Or, should I change my plan? Mitigating a threat can be expensive for many.

There are five basic principles to practice in every process to achieve your desired objective. If you know and apply these five principles to your process every time your outcome will be more desirable than if you do not do them. It is that simple. You must know your strengths and weakness. Where are you strong and weak. Do you understand the difference in offensive and defensive security postures. They are called the five Ds of security; deter, detect, deny, delay, and defend. Here's a basic description of the five D's:

- Deter - •is the farthest one from the location of the assets and is often a mix of physical infrastructure such as fences and lighting. The security objective on this perimeter is to deter the criminal from even attempting a breach of the system. Deterrence is a psychological battle, and when the security department wins, the criminal activity never starts. Applying surveillance technology along the deter perimeter typically requires the use of overt, large enclosures, which make it obvious to all approaching the perimeter that they are under surveillance. Signs saying “no trespassing” or “area under surveillance” also aid in communicating a deterrent message to unauthorized persons.

For the purpose of preparedness, I recommend part of the deterrence level stretching into your local community to monitor, learn, and communicate. The individuals taking part in this stage must be capable of knowing what they are looking for and trying to learn. What has changed? Who is new to the area? What are trending crime rates and what are the crimes? Unemployment rates? Homeless rates? Shortages? Politics and more. This stage is gathering and processing information to carry back to your community. How likely is the information to impact your community and how will you apply it. The individual(s) used to gather this information must blend well with the locals and know when to extract and how to return to the community undetected. If they believe they are being followed they must know how to avoid returning directly to the community and lay low for a day or more or until they believe they are no longer being followed. If delivering the information is time essential other mechanisms must be used to share information with the community leaders.

- Detect - is to monitor large areas of space to accurately detect possible unauthorized intrusion in time to respond appropriately. Surveillance camera technology, especially megapixel cameras, is very effective as an accurate detection tool. Important objectives are the timely notification to security personnel and having the ability to digitally or optically zoom into the area where intrusion was detected.

Hopefully your process allows you to pick up information to get early detection during the deterrence stage before it arrives to your most exterior perimeter. This could be the entry point to your apartment building in the urban environment or your block and neighborhood in the suburban environment or your country road or farm in the rural environment. The earlier the detection the better for you and your ability to engage your personal plan. Remember, creating standoff to the furthest point is essential. This buys you time and time is critical to engage the threat. Can you use your terrain to push a threat to the strong points in your plan? It is better to engage a threat in your strength area vs the area where the threat uses your terrain to their advantage.

- Deny - is to keep the unauthorized persons out, while allowing authorized persons to enter. To perform this function the deny perimeter typically has access control procedures or a manned security gate or position at the point of entry. The intention of surveillance at this point is to provide visual verification of the person before allowing access further into your secured space.

Would you rather a threat be stopped at entry to your block vs in your driveway? Or the bridge on the country road 1/2 mile from your farm? If an apartment building, you may wish to stop the threat at the entry door on the first-floor vs on your floor at your door. A key part of this process is how will you identify the authorized from the unauthorized? Consider a password or a sign countersign maybe. Remember, the person may be mobile so if a vehicle is involved you will have to search the vehicle to clear it and deem it safe. Or you can refuse the vehicle into your area and park all types of vehicles outside this stage. In the urban environment you won't have to deal with the vehicle issue because of the facility design and minimal to zero standoff. Time will be much more important in the urban setting.

- Delay - is to slow down an active intrusion enough to force the intruder to give up or allow the security team to respond. Often, interior locking doors or other physical barriers are used to slow down the intrusion. Surveillance cameras can be used inside the delay perimeter to provide situational awareness and measure the effectiveness of the delay countermeasures.

The more standoff you have with distance between the layers of your 5-ds, the more time you are allowing yourself. Delaying can be completed with different methods using anything to slow the threat down. In the apartment environment is may be multiple doors entering your floor or apartment. You must be creative in your deployment of mechanisms to slow the threat. Delay may also be armed security deploying lethal power to stop the threat. There's different tools one can select to deploy lethal defenses as well as nonlethal defenses.

- Defend - is typically a security personnel response that attempts to apprehend the intruder. Surveillance is used at this perimeter to record the apprehension and determine the effectiveness of the response. This final perimeter often includes the involvement of law enforcement and typically overlaps the other perimeters.

You want to avoid this level at all costs when possible. As part of your plan you must have a backdoor way out of your inner most secure area to allow children and non defenders to escape to a preidentified location. You should have a cache established at your evacuation location to provide basic needs to hold personnel over and also defend personnel.

Having established and seasoned leaders is critical in preparedness and especially in the five-D process. When a location gets to the defend stage leadership will be essential and knowing when to pull the plug and evacuate must be established. Ego and desire to defend at all costs will cost a family and community many lives. Just because you conduct an emergency evacuation does not mean you can't regroup and come back to take your property back from the aggressors.

I tried to lay out the basics to this process for you, but it does have greater detail. Do your homework and learn. As I wrote about in the past, understanding and conducting your area study will aid you far better when developing plans at all stages.

Here is a basic design of what the stages above looks like and in what places. This is set up for a rural area but you can apply this to suburban and urban environments as well.

I have more detail on this process in Hope for Survival Book 1, if you are interested. I hope this helps you in some way.

And that's my thoughts for the week....

Preparedness News

1. From Kyle B - Ask a Prepper - Off-Grid Appliances Everyone Should Have In Their Home ( - The author offers some good information one may wish to consider including in their preparedness resources.

2. From Old World Garden Farms - How To Lower Heating Bills - 5 Simple Tips That Save Big Money! ( - We all wish to have lower cost and utility bills, right? Check this out and see if these tips will help you in some way.

3. From Melissa K. Norris - What you don't know about the USDA & Canning Safety Rules - Melissa K. Norris ( I found this interesting and good information to have. Personally, I believe we have a potential for more federal laws to come impacting our ability to preserve food and resources for our family.

4. From Rebekah Pierce - Urban Survival Site - How to Make Herbal Healing Salves | Urban Survival Site - Within HFS we are blessed to have several talented individuals to help and guide others with herbal healing remedies. The results in their efforts far outweigh any doubters to the impact of herbal salves.

5. From Linda Loosli - Food Storage Moms - How to Make Food Prep and Storage Equipment Easy ( - It is amazing when likeminded preparers gather the amount of information can be exchanged and learned. We can learn so much from others doing the same task to achieve the same outcomes, but easier and smarter.

Other News -

1. From Peak Prosperity - How Big Tech colluded with Homeland Security to violate 1st Amendment Rights - Exposed: Government and Big Tech Colluded to Violate The 1st Amendment | Peak Prosperity

2. From the Quartering via NC Scout - Tik Tok to be banned? Orange Man was right.

3. From Wolf Richter - Wolf Street - Status of the Social Security Trust Fund, Income and Outgo: Fiscal 2022 | Wolf Street - Good information. How did less workers earn more and pay in more yet the balance of the Social Security Fund balance drop?

4. From Greg Hunter - USA Watchdog - There May Not Be a 2024 Election – Martin Armstrong | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog - Martin Armstrong from Armstrong economics is one of the brightest and solid forecasters around, historically. The news in this article is not good but should not come as a surprise to anyone. (Thanks, Festus, for this submission)

5. From John Davidson - The Federalist - Democrats Are Not Going To Relinquish Power Peacefully ( - I do believe this 100% to be the case. It was not expected for Orange Man bad to get in the way of the corruption machine that delayed the New World Order and Agenda 2030. I don't see them allowing it to happen again and they are willing to prevent it at all costs. Just saying.....

6. From Frank Gaffney Jr. - Center for Security Policy - Keep the CCP out of the Thrift Savings Plan - Center for Security Policy - This applies to Federal workers and military mostly. (Thanks to our Patriot sister in Western N.C.)

7. From TruNews - - Kim Dotcom: Top 20 Nation Leaders Know Who Blew up Nord Stream Pipeline ( - Spies, lies, and who blew up the Nord stream pipeline? Shortly after retiring from the military, I was doing private consulting work and visited a large security entity in the Rockefeller Building in NY City. I was shown a new hi-tech program where the company hired the top hackers in America. Several being prisoners on a federal release program supervised by federal agents. Their job was to play a game all day. Five of them would hack Fortune 500 companies all day and another five would identify the hack and fortify security software to protect the accounts. It was an ongoing game to protect the wealthiest companies. This was real and back in 2004. Remember, our government spends billions of dollars annually to protect secrets. Also remember roughly 70% of these secrets are open-source information. You just have to know what you are looking for and how to decipher how it is documented on the open net. (Thanks, Festus, for this submission)

Drum roll...........

That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.

Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

Please remember our Patriot sister and her family in Northwestern Alabama in your prayers during this period of loss of her mother. Please pray for our Patriot sister in Western NC as she continues her struggle with symptoms like vertigo. Please lift her up in prayer. We pray for our Patriot brother in Northern Alabama in his ongoing health ordeal. May you all be lifted in prayer and spirit in the days ahead. We pray for our Patriot brother in Eastern TN who is dealing with ongoing health issues. Please pray for our brother in Central Kentucky who was in a bad vehicle accident and is dealing with multiple health issues related to the wreck. He is blessed to be alive today. We pray unspoken prayers for the needs we are not aware of in others.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,


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