Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #190. We appreciate you stopping by to spend some of your valuable time with us. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. We hope you are enjoying some down time to relax with some pumpkin or pecan pie and all the other holiday goodies. What is your favorite to eat from your table? Brussel sprouts? Mashed potatoes like grandma used to make? Homemade rolls? Sweet potato casserole? With or without marshmallows? Does your family also make a dish out of the ordinary that others may not consider a Thanksgiving treat?
If you follow along week to week, you probably pick up on the fact our home stays very busy. This is funny because Ms. Lucy often tells people I'm a homebody. Actually, I am a homebody, but we also must do what is needed day to day and often this requires travel. Three weeks ago, we held the HFS Autumn Rally in Waynesville, NC, two weekends ago was Somerset, KY to visit our Patriot brother in the hospital, and five days last week was in Huntsville, AL. We are home for three days and then we head to Western VA and Southern WV for Thanksgiving with family. Why does it matter? I'm using myself as the example for you. Being so busy with life, responsibilities, and trying to keep up, it is very easy to lose focus on the most important priorities in my life. That being faith and family. Personally, I try to set aside time each morning at a minimum to have my own one on one faith time. Because my days are jam packed, it is easy for me to hear Ms. Lucy talking to me when she walks in and out of the HFS Office. But, hearing her is not listening to her. Key point. I try to do my best to turn everything off to allow her message to be the single focus of my attention. My point here is we all need to sometimes set aside our personal focus to hear those who are important to us and what they are saying or asking of us.
My trip to Kentucky was quick but rewarding. It was a cold day, and the temps dropped the further north I drove. I was excited to have some quality one on one time with our Patriot brother who was two weeks into his medical recovery from a previous accident. My hope was my visit would be uplifting and I departed after a three-hour visit feeling uplifted. Our brother's faith and spirit were at 100%. I asked him if he was getting bored being confined to his room and he smiled and said, "I have no time to get lonely, Jesus is with me 24 x 7, and my focus is now on what is important to me." He went on to tell me about his personal plans to get back in to hiking and sharing the basics of preparedness with his granddaughter. God bless you brother and thank you for sharing your day with me.
We participated in our annual Sunday morning church, lunch with HFS Patriots, and then off to spend the day together at Dollywood Theme Park to see some holiday shows and the beautiful Christmas lights in the evening. Yes, it was brutally cold but as always, it was fun, and a time enjoyed with special friends.
Our four-day trip to Huntsville, AL was fast but very rewarding. We enjoyed a very nice Friday evening dinner with author John Dyslin and a dozen or more HFS Huntsville Patriots. Folks had the opportunity to talk with John directly and Ms. Lucy and I got to spend personal time with folks which is not often possible. These opportunities are valuable, and we miss them when we don't get to have them. The Saturday event with NARPNet went well and John got to share his Nehemiah Strong message with attendees. Afterwards Ms. Lucy and I got to do lunch with our Patriot sister from Shelbyville, TN who attended the event. Time is never our friend but the time we got together was valuable and much needed. John joined us for part of the lunch. It was a special time before we headed off in our different directions to end the weekend. HFS is so blessed to have so many wonderful Patriots who love God, our great nation, and each other. Thanks to everyone who made this a special weekend together.
Let us move along....
I don't typically offer recommendations for gifts because in the past I made a few wives mad at me because a few husbands felt they needed to buy everything I suggested. So, to be clear, these are simply recommendations for gifts when one can't think of something. Proceed with caution.
Simple holiday gifts that serve a preparedness purpose - $50 or less
- The Freedom Documents by Dr Chuck Baldwin - $41 - THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS - Expanded Edition - Book - Compiled By Dr. Chuck Baldwin - ON SALE NOW! - LIMITED SUPPLY! ( We began offering the very popular FREEDOM DOCUMENTS over 20 years ago, in which we compiled dozens of the greatest documents of American history in one beautiful volume. The expanded edition of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS includes 57 documents and 212 full-size (8 1/2 X 11) pages. The expanded introductions to these documents, by themselves, are a great history lesson. THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS are assembled with a ring spine for easy copying. Now more than ever, these historic documents contain the Spirit and Pride of America. This unique compilation of America's greatest documents is available nowhere else. It is an excellent resource for high school and college students, as well as homeschoolers. Pastors, teachers, attorneys, and judges--including the Tennessee State Supreme Court--have purchased THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS with extreme satisfaction. A Montana county sheriff also ordered copies for all of his deputies. We believe you will find them equally satisfying.
- Filter of Hope Water Filter Kit - $40 Filter of Hope Water Filter - Our simple, life-saving water filter provides safe, clean water in minutes. Each water filter kit contains everything you need to attach the filter to any plastic container in minutes - the Filter of Hope water filter itself, bucket adapter components, flexible hose, hand drill with bit, filter hanger, and cleaning syringe. Our water filter meets EPA drinking water standards; has 0.1 micron pore size filtration; filters out 99.99% of harmful bacteria, protozoa, and cysts; produces up to 250 gallons per day; is gravity fed (no electricity needed); and lasts up to 10 years with easy, regular maintenance.
- The American Patriot Bible - $31.00 - The NKJV, American Patriot's Bible, Hardcover: The Word of God and the Shaping of America: Thomas Nelson, Lee, Richard: 9781418541538: Books - THE ONE BIBLE THAT SHOWS HOW ‘A LIGHT FROM ABOVE’ SHAPED OUR NATION. Never has a version of the Bible targeted the spiritual needs of those who love our country more than The American Patriot’s Bible. This extremely unique Bible shows how the history of the United States connects the people and events of the Bible to our lives in a modern world. The story of the United States is wonderfully woven into the teachings of the Bible and includes a beautiful full-color family record section, memorable images from our nation’s history and hundreds of enlightening articles which complement the New King James Version Bible text.
- Hope for Survival Bundle (Books 1 and 2, and the HFS Digital Memory Stick) $50 ($10 savings through Christmas)
- NAR Public Access Bleeding Control Kit - from Refuge Medical (Bear Independent) - $56.99 (This item is out of stock often because of high sale volume. If you monitor the site you can often get this kit for mid-$40s.) NAR Public Access Bleeding Control Kit - Basic – Refuge Medical - Contained in a ruggedized pouch, this life saving kit provides intuitive and easy-to-use tools that are proven to help to save lives such as the fastest, safest and most effective prehospital tourniquet in the world, the C-A-T®, quality gauze, shears, and pressure dressings/bandages. Included are step-by-step illustrated “just in time” pictorial instructions, so even untrained providers can help save a life. The NAR Individual Bleeding Control Kit - BASIC provides lifesaving bleeding control equipment such as tourniquets, pressure dressings and gauze bandages and puts them into the hands of the public to help control bleeding and save lives.
- The Survival Medicine Handbook - The Essential Guide for When Help is Not On the Way - Dr Joe Alton - $30 - Black & White Version. If a disaster took away the high-technology we take for granted, would you be prepared to keep you family healthy? Could you be an effective medic when hospitals are overcrowded and the ambulance is heading in the other direction? Can you take over if you were the highest medical asset left? Medical preparedness advocates Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton, NP’s award-winning “Survival Medicine Handbook: A guide for when help is NOT on the way” is now out in its greatly expanded and revised 4th edition!
- Nehemiah Strong - Life Sustaining Essentials for a Season of Trial - by John Dyslin - $48 - The Book Nehemiah Strong - John Dyslin - We live in unprecedented times, with unprecedented challenges. Christian-based societal foundations have vanished; in their place is a ‘new age’ spirit proclaiming what once was evil as good, and good evil. Authorities are using a thin veil of propriety to justify invasive actions – including lockdowns, compliance enforcement, and persecution of ‘unfavored’ groups – that threaten the liberty and well-being of you and all those you love.
Holiday gifts $100 and below -
- Grayl Geo Press Water Purifier system - $99.00 - SHOP GRAYL - WATER FILTER & PURIFIER BOTTLES, GEAR & EQUIPMENT – GRAYL® - Unrivaled Ease, Speed & Convenience. No other purifier rivals the speed, simplicity and effectiveness of GeoPress. In eight seconds, it makes 24 ounces (710 ml) of clean drinking water anywhere on earth. Tap into the world’s water sources and safely drink from sketchy spigots, hotel sinks, murky rivers, wells or lakes. Removes global waterborne pathogens (virus, bacteria, protozoan cysts) and filters pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals, and microplastics. Also improves taste, smell, and clarity!
- Tacklife 800 A Jump Starter - $52.00 - TACKLIFE 800A Peak 18000mAh Car Jump Starter with LCD Display (up to 7.0L Gas, 5.5L Diesel Engine) 12V Auto Battery Booster Quick Charger | T8 Orange - - TACKLIFE T8 800A Peak 18000mAh Car Jump Starter with LCD Display (up to 7.0L Gas, 5.5L Diesel Engine) 12V Auto Battery Booster with Smart Jumper Cable, Quick Charger
800 amps peak current, 18000mAh capacity
Hold charge for up to 12 months once fully charged.
Jump start 12V cars, SUV, trucks or vans up to 30 times on a 4.5-hour full charge.
Charge phones with 5v/9v Quick Charge and other car accessories with 12V 10A DC port.
The full metal clamps are built to last and are ergonomically designed to be easy to open.
Multifunctional life-saver with a strobe, red light, SOS signal and built-in Compass.
The digital LCD screen clearly displays the remaining power of the T8 jump starter.
The specially designed indicator notifies you incorrect use with an audible buzz and flashing lights.
HFS Thursday Zoom Rally #100 - There was no zoom this week due to Thanksgiving.
Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:
Facebook – Hope for Survival
YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival
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Odysee - Hope for Survival (
Parler - Preparedness101
Check out the HFS YouTube video at the following link. The latest YouTube video posted on November 22, 2022 titled Grayl Geo Press Water Filtration Bottle
Workers Needed - Apply Within also posted on November 22, 2022.
If you have not, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel by hitting like and then subscribe.
I will be a virtual guest on the Christopher Scott Podcast out of Philadelphia, PA on Sunday. It has been a while since joining my Marine Corps brother to chat about Preparedness. I would guess the show will post Sunday night or Monday, but here is the link to Chris's site. Independent Talk Radio Podcast | Christopher Scott Show
Connect and give me a shout. Again, hit subscribe and share with family and friends.
Guest and Newcomers
If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional
information offered through HFS.
Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (
Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)
Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)
HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.
Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...
Thoughts for the week -
Soap Box - Let me be clear, any and all lives lost during an active shooter event is tragic. Period. Guns used during any act of violence is terrible. All weapons, guns, knives, bats, poles, or any other device used to harm another person(s) is not acceptable. But when a political party uses select events to push a political narrative to gain momentum for their political objective it is not acceptable.
Is it just me that notices how a certain political party caters to the LGBTQXYZ group to promise federal resolution, investigations, and more, yet fails to make the same effort in other acts of violence when someone dies? When an active shooter event strikes a church and appears to be a hate crime against a church establishment or a post-game party where an active shooter drives by and shoots up a party and appears race related, we don't hear or see the same level of federal concern. Why?
I have said this for 20 years and will continue to say it, if the federal government was so interested in stopping gun related crimes, they would have put forth more effort in Chicago and other inner-city areas where our children are being gunned down daily. When a parent or guardian fears sending a child from their home to attend school or go to a store because of gun violence it is not acceptable. Why has it continued and why has there been little to no effort aside from defunding the police? The government, along with Hollywood stars and professional sports figures from the inner cities, voice frustration over the need for more fun control while surrounded by their personal bodyguards. Gun control will not eliminate unregistered guns purchased on the street. This would require hands on action in the streets amongst Innercity criminals. How is taking guns from law abiding citizens going to stop inner city gun crime? It won't. it is a bigger agenda of removing guns from 2nd Amendment Patriots, hunters, and responsible citizens. The government fears law abiding citizens who support the Constitution more than they fear criminals gunning down children in the streets. Just take a look around the nation at the number of soft Attorney Generals who are not enforcing laws to lock up criminals and instead putting them back on the street shortly after they commit a crime.
Where does this leave you and me?
Let us move along....
Often, I hear conversations from folks who are getting into long term food storage and ask questions about how to go about storing products. Many of us build a food plan for short-, medium-, and long-term storage of goods. These are stages and then we have our own methods such as buying store bought canned food, canning with a pressure canner, dehydrating or freeze-drying goods, and then placing dried goods in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers for long term storage. Some of us place the mylar packed bags in 5-gallon food grade buckets with lids for long term storage. Another option buying what is called No #10 cans with food already prepared and you simply store the cans in a climate controlled and dry area. You should always make and keep an up-to-date inventory to know what you have and also for rotating your stock.
I discuss the levels of food planning in my book 1 - Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter and Security Could Save Your Life. I wanted to provide you with a couple videos that discusses food storage processes to help those just starting out or anyone else who may be wanting to add other food storage methods to their processes.
The videos below will help educate you on using mylar bags and 5-gallon tanks for long term food storage. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.
I hope this helps answer questions you may have on storing dry goods for long term. Have fun and start stacking for your future investment.
While we are on the topic of food and food storage, we should go ahead and cover sanitation since it is never discussed and often overlooked. Maybe we take it for granted? Sanitation and the lack of your ability to dispose of waste will make you severely sick and even kill you or your family members. Do you have a plan? Have you ever supported an overseas mission to a third world nation or helped in recovery efforts during a post disaster zone? Sanitation is one of the first areas addressed because of the severity of the consequences when neglected.
Part 1 - Hidden Deadly Disaster
Part 2 - Don't Let Crap Kill You
And that's my thoughts for the week....
Preparedness News –
1. From Dr. Joe Alton - Doom and Bloom - Respiratory Syncytial Virus | ( - Great information to consider adding to your medical binder with hard copied information.
2. From Prep School Daily - Prep School Daily: The Medicinal Use of Sugar - Aside from snorting it off brownies and cupcakes, check out this excellent use of sugar.
3. From Selco - The Organic Prepper - SELCO: Remember, The Most Important Preps Don't Cost Money ( - Mindset, skills, vision, fitness.......
4. The Prepping Guide - What Is An INCH Bag? The Most Exhaustive Guide + List - The Prepping Guide - This is a must. Go buy a box of printer payer and ink because you are going to want a lot of this information. Just saying.....
5. From Prepper Website - How To Make An Altoids Candle Stove - Prepper Website - I have used Altoid cans in the past for small survival cans and also for building bartering kits. Adding a few Altoid candles to my kit will be excellent.
Other News
1. From Alan Macleod - Mint Press News - Call of Duty is a Government Psyop: These Documents Prove It ( - Don't get all surprised and take a deep breath when you realize you likely helped some of these programs move further down the road through purchasing video games for kids and grandkids. Festus and I have been discussing our concerns in this area for ten years or more. Each passing year statistically proves the mental control hard core video games takes over the players. Just wait until the secret is out of the bag on the psychological control and damage these games caused to those committing acts of violence against schools, children, and parents. Did you honestly believe the 80lb dweeb was hanging out in the basement lifting weights all summer?
2. From Brandon Smith - Alt-Market.US - Is The American Pendulum Swinging Back To Reason? Maybe, But It Will Be A Long Fight - - Good optimistic view. Is it correct? Only time will tell. (Thanks Festus, for this submission)
3. From Peachy Keenan - The American Mind - It Takes a Village to Take Your Child - The American Mind - Oh how dumb and naive we have been as a society over the past 30 years to not stop this fiasco long before it dug its hooves in to our children.
4. From Jordan Boyd - The Federalist - Lummis, Collins Double Down On Support For Gay Marriage Bill ( - Oh, the pain is not even registering to what it is going to become for Christians and churches.
5. From Carlos Garcia - BLAZE Media - San Francisco won't renew contract of elections chief with 'impeccable record' because he's a white male - Conservative Review - If you think California is bad with this clown leading the circus you better get ready because he will be a primary candidate to lead our nation in the not-so-distant future.
Drum roll...........
That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.
May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.
We pray for our Patriot brother in Northern Alabama in his ongoing health ordeal who was just released from the hospital. May you all be lifted in prayer and spirit in the days ahead. We pray for our Patriot brother in Eastern TN who is dealing with ongoing health issues. Please pray for our brother in Central Kentucky who was in a bad vehicle accident and is dealing with multiple health issues related to the wreck. He is blessed to be alive today. He was released from the hospital after several weeks and is now home but doing physical therapy ongoing. We pray unspoken prayers for the needs we are not aware of in others.
As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.
Bravo Echo Out,
