Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #212. April was here and gone and now May is staring is square in the face. Shortly we will be halfway through 2023. It seems we blink and something is different, a law has changed, someone we love is gone, and we didn't complete as many task in the previous month as we desired. Welcome to life.
I heard a great quote recently that is so applicable to each day we live now. It says "some people are like clouds. Once they disappear its a beautiful day." Ever feel this way throughout your day? I do even though I try harder each day to be more open minded and accepting of others who may be or think differently. I was at my favorite pizza place recently in my small town. Ms. Lucy was away and it was a pizza day for sure. I called in my order and went through drive through to pick it up. The young lady who waited on me at the window had on clothes that had to have been about five sizes to small, hence her chest, shoulders, and arms all showed skin. The gal had more tattoos covering her upper torso than I had toppings on my pizza. Heck, her lime green and purple hair didn't even catch my eye for about 30 seconds until she went to hand me my pizza. As a conservative person it is hard for me to adjust to all the modern world changes around us.
It has been an amazing week since I was last here to talk with you. Ms. Lucy and I went on the road to Roxboro, NC to conduct a full day of training to a large group gathered from several communities. What an amazing event we experienced. First class hospitality, great food, wonderful host lodging and meals, dinner out post-training with awesome Patriots and the complete package. Training day was roughly 8 hours with five classes delivered. Lunch break was catered in from Golden Corral with baked or fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and rolls. Then, a dessert table was set up with soooo many goodies. It was a feast. I met so many new Patriots who attended the event. So many concerned citizens to where our nation is going. I look forward to future communication with the new folks. I can't thank the Roxboro host team and the pastor of the church used for training, enough for their hard work putting this event together. Great job.
On my way back from NC I got to pass through Roanoke, VA to see our youngest daughter and her husband and three grandkids. We actually got to attend church with them Sunday late morning. Ms. Lucy stayed behind for a visit, and I went on to WV to visit family for about 24 hours before heading home to unpack and repack to head out to Huntsville, AL for day stuff. I was blessed with sunny skies and safe travel.
It was great to have dinner with Huntsville HFS Patriots during my time in Huntsville, AL this week. Thanks to the local Patriots for bringing guest to join us for a meal and good chat. I always feel blessed when I get time together with fellow Patriots. It is great to talk to individuals and hear how things are going and how their preparedness journey is going. It was also wonderful to see and chat with Alabama Rebel and Mrs. AlabamaRebel. Thanks for joining us. Bless you all.
Thank you for your support to HFS weekly and your time to read the PENL. In the past two months, HFS has taught classes to nearly 350 new Patriots in three states and added over 250 new members to HFS.
Let us move along....
Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:
Facebook – Hope for Survival -Join us for daily posts on preparedness.
YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival
MeWe: - //
Odysee - Hope for Survival (
HFS Thursday Zoom Session - No zoom this week.
Check out HFS YouTube. - The newest video is on using galvanized raised bed garden frames as suggested by a Patriot sister from TN a few weeks ago. I purchased a few of them and share it with you in this video.
If you have not, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel by hitting like and then subscribe. Connect and give me a shout. Again, hit subscribe and share with family and friends.
Upcoming Training Opportunities -

- Mountain Readiness - Harmany, NC, May 5 - 7, 2023 - This is a family friendly event centered around learning the skills of our ancestors and an expo in which survival and readiness experts from across the country will gather to teach their craft. There will be live demonstrations, classes, and vendors. Mountain Readiness is an expo in which survival and readiness experts, presenters, and vendors will provide the knowledge, tools, and hands on training to further develop your self-sufficiency skills.

- Old School Survival Boot Camp - Vinton County, OH - May 12-14, 2023 - Survival and Homesteading Skills for the Modern World - go to
Classes run from 9 AM to 5 PM daily. Group discounts available. Old School Survival Boot Camp is a 3 day hands-on self-reliance event. This is not a sit and listen and take notes kind of event. You will be an active participant in the classes and receive skill building hands=on training.

- Heritage Life Skills - Lite - July 21-23, 2023 - Haywood Community College - Hope for Survival will be teaming with Carolina Readiness Supply (CRS) to put this event together and offer some mid-summer preparedness training in Clyde, NC. Tickets are on sale at the following link. Heritage Life Skills 2023 Event – Carolina Readiness or call 828-456-5310
The available class list is growing daily. I will post scheduled classes soon.
Guest speakers: 7 pm each evening
- Friday evening - Dr Dan Gentry - Medicinal
- Saturday evening - William Forstchen - One Second After
Some of the scheduled classes will be:
- Fire Cider, Elderberry Syrup, and more
- Building Input Free Homestead
- Post Grid Homesteading
- Grid Down Housing
- Homesteading Food Storage Requirements
- Writing Your Food Security Plan
- DIY Food Storage Alternatives
- Fermenting
- Dry food packing for long term storage
- Medicinal Poultices
- Mountain Well Being
- Psychological Preparedness
- Preparedness 101
- Simple Prepping
- Bugging Out and Getting Home - Bags and Gear
- How to collect/filter/store water
- Tactical Gear
- Reloading
- Getting Ready, Not Arrested,
- Gun Laws for Preppers
- Off Grid Guerilla Logisitics
- Military Logistics
- Tactical Vehicle
- Basic Map and Compass
- Salt Making
- Vetting New Members
- United Nations
- Logistics for a Prepper
- Dutch oven Camp Cooking
- Bee Keeping
- Prepping on a budget,
- What to carry in Vehicle
- Active Killers, Awareness and Strategies
- Old Tools
- Projecting Power in Politics: Beating the Woke Mob
- Packing a get home bag
- Reloading
- Getting Ready, Not Arrested,
- Gun Laws for Preppers
- Off Grid Guerilla Logisitics
- Military Logistics
- Tactical Vehicle
- Basic Map and Compass
- Salt Making
- Vetting New Members
- United Nations
- Logistics for a Prepper
- Dutch oven Camp Cooking
- Bee Keeping
- Prepping on a budget,
- What to carry in Vehicle
- Active Killers, Awareness and Strategies
- Old Tools
- Planning Book
- Projecting Power in Politics: Beating the Woke Mob
- Packing a get home bag
- ...and more
- Project Appleseed - Project Appleseed | Project Appleseed ( - This is a great program and opportunity to learn and spend time with a loved one, especially children. The link offers viewing for which states offering the Appleseed program. (Thanks Festus, for this submission)
Guest and Newcomers
If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional.
information offered through HFS.
Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (
Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)
Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)
HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (
We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.
Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.
Let’s move along and get to some thoughts...
Thoughts for the week
Are they kidding us? Amazing how they tell us things are better and improving yet they continue making these crazy decisions and punish those who manage life the best they can Did you see this recent story where those who maintain a higher credit score of 680 will start paying a higher interest rate on home mortgages to help pay extra for those who can't afford their mortgage. Can you believe this insanity. 'It's going to hit the consumer hard': Those with higher credit scores may pay higher mortgage fees - CBS Boston (
Hope - I want to share a thought with you to consider going forth with. It seems these things hit me when I'm driving alone, and He is in the co-pilot seat reminding of things and helping me to shape my own questions, concerns, and confusion I often endure. Are you confused yet? I shared some of my thoughts with the Huntsville HFS family tonight and one of our sister Patriots smiled and said, "I would hate to live inside your head." Me too.
In my last few Five Mile Radius Classes I infused some of these thoughts and no one threw marshmallows at me. I don't want to spend a lot of time in this edition on it because I am taking up a lot of your time below with videos if you choose to watch them, and you should. I often comment or refer to the left as liberal lib-tards who are ruining everything we once knew as good in our nation. Blame, blame, blame. Rocks thrown at every opportunity. Are you the same?
I express the important need to find a common line to agree to disagree, but your neighbors are your neighbors, and they have a right to stay right where they are, just like you, me, and other Patriots. I share how now is the time to invest and communicate with those around you. I always hear things such as "I can't relate to them." Or "I don't like them, " and on and on. I get it. I really do. It is hard and you may need to wear a hard helmet and goggles to get through this important phase in building your community team. I'm suggesting you do something you probably never imagined to be possible. Right?
Now is the time. It is better to know everyone around you now, then when trouble arrives. Learn now to communicate, building bonds and trust, and work towards being accountable to yourself, your neighbors, and your community. A burglar is breaking into your home when a loved one is home alone. What would be the most likely odds for you. You call a liberal neighbor who you've invested time with and build a bond and asked to go to your house and help a loved one, or asking a liberal neighbor who you barely speak to when you pass them at their mailbox?
We should not change our beliefs or ideology one bit. Zero. And, since we aren't willing to be open and change ours, why should we honestly expect them to change their beliefs? Find and create a neutral ground you can talk about and enjoy together. Gardening, working pruning trees, grilling, riding bikes or something you can do together. Just as you don't want to be changed, neither do they. But they are your neighbors, and a time will come soon when you are going to need one another. Take it to the bank. I don't care how tough you are and how manly one may feel, you are going to need others to work together to get through what is coming ahead. Now is the time to hang your pride in the closet for a while and go forth to get to work.
We all are children of God, faith or not. If we are holding a strict line and refusing to meet at the 50-yard line with a mindset of trying to find a workable solution, then maybe we are part of the problem. We must have a community working together going forward. The bonus to this is if you try to make it work and your neighbor refuses, you now know ahead of time where the local problem child lives. Personally, I want to know these things now while I build and continue to build my community preparedness family.
I want to take this to a higher level by sharing the following video with you. I'm a huge fan of Steve Deace and I have mountains of respect for the man. I want you to hear his message and give thought to it because it is what I am saying, just in a shorter message. We, must be strong, have hope, and never give up. It is not an option on any account. Not only is unity and working together expected of us, I do believe our train of humanity is going to go over a cliff soon we major efforts are not made to come together to change our direction.
Abracadabra - Enjoy the Show - What do you believe? What if your world was a movie and you believed everything on the big screen? Do you? When I teach the HFS Psychological Mindset I discuss a lot of what is in this video but it goes into far greater detail and ties it all together. I also discuss these things more freely in our HFS Zoom calls. Some won't believe. Some don't believe. Many avoids it. And some won't get it. This is well worth your invested time. The host provides great detail and puts numerous pieces together through history to show you where we are today. If you are willing to watch, start to finish, you will have a very clear picture of the world of Oz we live in today. Proceed at your own risk. (Thanks to a HFS Patriot brother from Central, TN who shared this to me)
Next ...
Climate Engineering - Last week I shared a video from Dane Wiggington's Geo Engineering site. Here is a more detailed video of deeper and more detailed climate information presented by Dane Wiggington. This is long but you will definitely have a better understanding of information on our engineered climate and the changes we are witnessing. The planet has been hacked. (Thanks Festus, for this submission)
Thats all Patriots...
Preparedness News -
1. From Tiffany Wynne - Prepper Website - Teaching Your Children about an Emergency Situation - Prepper Website - Are you including children in to your plans and training? You should be. You never know when you may need them to do a task or complete a communication message and get the information correct. Practice first makes a better chance of success.
2. From Old World Garden Farms - Companion Plants For Tomatoes - 3 Plants To Grow With Tomatoes ( - Its that time of year to start planting and growing. Just like humans, plants have their favorite companion plants to grow up with.
3. Laurie Neverman - Common Sense Home - Jewelweed - Traditional Remedy for Skin Ailments ( - Cuts, gashes, scratches, and bug bites can get infected and lead to serious ailments when a doctor is not available. What is your plan?
4. From Tim Gamble - Dystopian Survival - Dystopian Survival : What is the most overlooked aspect of preparedness? - Good read. I think we often overlook things we don't know how to do or things that bore us. I know folks with a garage full of boxes still packed with thousands of dollars of equipment.
5. From Tom Marlowe - Homesteading Hippy - What Exactly is Cervid Farming? * The Homesteading Hippy - Interesting concept. Do you ever spend time reading about new ways of doing things in the event things change and how you do it now can no longer be accomplished? One is none, two is one, and three is better.
Other News -
1. From Mary Lou Masters - Conservative Review - ‘It’s Just A Fact’: Nikki Haley Tries To Thread The Needle On Abortion, Calls For A ‘National Consensus’ - Conservative Review- Why does this not surprise me? Doesn't this seem to put the word Conservative attached to this name? Just saying.
2. From Tristan Justice - The Federalist -Epps '60 Minutes' Interview Raises More Questions Than Answers ( - The square ball won't fit in a round circle and this individual still can't seem to shake the Jan 6 accusations.
3. From Daniel Greenfield - Front Page Magazine - All the President’s Islamists | Frontpage Mag - Who is representing who here?
4. From I & I Editorial Board - Issues and Insights - You’ll Have No Power And You Will Like It – Issues & Insights ( - How will you know when the grid goes down? Because nothing will work. Sound harsh? Yes.
5. From Joseph Weber - Just the News - WHO warns lab seized in Sudan now at 'high risk of biological hazard' | Just The News - Oh boy, here we go again.
That's all my Patriot brothers and sisters.
Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.
The HFS family needs lots of prayers right now. We have several sisters and brothers in great need of uplifting. Prayers are needed in Central AL up to Huntsville, AL and our Patriot brother who remains with serious health issues. Prayers are still needed in northern GA, MD, KY, NC and TN. Please pray for our Patriot sister near Nashville who experienced a health set back unexpectedly. As you can see, we have numerous prayer needs and many are long term illnesses.
May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.
As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.
Bravo Echo Out,
