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Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #278

Writer's picture: Butch ErskineButch Erskine

Greetings and welcome to the Patriot Express Newsletter Edition #278. Thanks for stopping by for this week's edition of the PENL. I want to apologize for the confusion last Friday and getting the newsletter posted. My computer decided to take an unexpected turn south and my access to the internet quickly diminished to zero. Somehow in this process last week's edition, #276 vanished from the webpage and webpage editor yet #277 posted on the #276 template. I wasn't able to send you the link to the weekly newsletter because access to my email wasn't possible at that point until I got home from Alabama and got help from an IT person. Thankfully a HFS Patriot brother was able to help me out late Saturday evening. Thanks, brother.

Before we get too far into this week's PENL, I want to wish my brother from another mother a happy birthday and many more to come. In a Sam Elliot voice, the echo deeply says, "Happy Birthday, Festus." The HFS family wishes you a healthy and happy day and many more to come. God bless you, brother.

I'm in week one of retirement from my day job and I still haven't had the big nap yet. LOL Maybe someday. Ms. Lucy and I have enjoyed our grandson (12) all week which includes lots of fishing, golf, evening table games, and hopefully some riding the ATV later today. We've had so much rain this week it has forced a lot of time spent together indoors. As most grandparents learn, as they age, they have less time to visit because of their own summer schedules with vacations, camps, and sports. So we try to get each grandchild (5) for a week each summer for one-on-one time.

Unlike past years where we had random wildlife roaming from the hills to our neighborhood here in East TN, we are seeing larger numbers of animals roaming the fields and yards for food. I take into consideration it was very dry the month of July and now we've had rain almost daily the past ten days. Deer are eating plants, flowers, and bushes they typically ignore. We may have two or three deer today and a herd tomorrow. Not at night but in broad daylight. Here's a couple pictures taken this week. The deer are in our side yard and the beer is one street over.

Let us move along.

HFS New Affiliation with Aftershock Freeze Dried Foods - Do you still need to get prepared? Need long term food stock? Here you go. I have personally taste tested several of the freeze-dried products. GMO free and a choice between regular or Gluten free, I'm totally impressed with the quality and price of their products. Many of the other providers of dehydrated and freeze-dried foods left my fingers tingling and feeling a tad swollen. This was because of the sodium content. Not the case with Aftershock freeze-dried foods. Another great feature of Aftershock Preparedness meals is for a low price you get larger serving sizes in each bagged meal. For example, the Taco Rice Skillet was a serving size for five. The freeze-dried white chicken is a serving size for three, The Cajun Pasta Laya is a single serving. The prices are adjusted according to the serving size. They are 25- and 30-year shelf-life products depending on the product of choice. As an affiliate, if you use the following link, HFS will receive a small percentage of the purchase price which is great. The customer is getting a high-quality product and HFS receives a small payment to help financially support the HFS mission. It's a win all the way around. You can buy single packed meals, fruit, dairy, meat and vegetables, or you can buy the larger buckets with single packaged items in the bucket for easy storage. Use this link to get started.

Let us move along....

Upcoming Preparedness Events:

Black Mountain, NC American Herbalist Guild Symposium 2024

Oct 4-7, 2024 - Black Mountain, NC

(Thanks to our Patriot sister from Western, NC, for this submission)

SHTF ( Survival Homestead Teaching Festival)

October 5, 2024. 3266 US-321, Hampton, TN 37658

(This event is being hosted by our Patriot sister Dr. Amanda Cartright who appeared on HFS Zoom previously)

West Virginia Thrive and Survive

Communications: You can now follow HFS social media on the following outlets:

Facebook – Hope for Survival -Join us for daily posts on preparedness.

YouTube Channel – Hope for Survival

HFS Thursday Zoom Rally - No zoom rally this week.

Check out HFS YouTube. - Two new videos for this week.

If you have not, please consider subscribing to the HFS YouTube channel by hitting like and then subscribe. Connect and give me a shout. Again, hit subscribe and share with family and friends.

Guest and Newcomers

If you are a guest or newcomer to the HFS journey, please check out this link for additional.

Hope for Survival books and HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents -: You can obtain information on the two HFS books at this link: Survival, Preparedness, Disaster Management for individuals or family (

Hope for Survival - How Food, Water, Shelter, and Security Could Save Your Life (Book 1)

Hope for Survival - The Mindset (Book 2)

HFS Thumb Drive for Emergency Documents - We just restocked the HFS Thumb drive and have them available now. Follow this link and you will see the add at the top of the page. Blog | Survival (

We must make this brief public announcement to protect the innocent.

Ding, Ding, Ding....Attention HFS readers..... Opinions shared in this newsletter are just that, opinions, and nothing more. Read at your own risk. The owner and author of this site is not responsible for hurt feelings or thin-skinned readers. I do my best to show restraint and respect to the best extent possible. I take as many precautions as possible and try to remain as nonpolitical as possible, however, there are times when I just can't help but point certain things out. Occasionally I use words only Patriots recognize and understand. It's not personal against any non-Patriot. It's just the truth. Sometimes we must pull up our spenders and suck it up. Just saying. Stay the course, read what you want, and avoid the rest. Avoid fear porn as much as possible and the day will be okay. When all else fails… Keep the faith and always have Hope.

Thoughts for the week - Is red, white, and blue just symbols or can we believe these colors still mean something to us.

Do you realize the 2024 Presidential Election starts in roughly 47 days. What? That's right, the state of Pennsylvania begins early voting just round the corner. Possibly the most important state in the upcoming election and voting begins soon. Remember the 2020 fiasco we witnessed during and after the Presidential election? Do you think anything has changed? Not much. With all the previous acquisitions of cheating and dead citizens voting, not much has changed to correct the problem. The state of Georgia is about the only state that took some steps to prevent previous issues of ballot box vote dropping. One would want to believe Maricopa County; Arizona would have jumped all over their past issues however nothing happened. So why do we expect anything different from 2020? We have a real true clown show taking place and half our nation is riding the clown wagon all the way to election day. How does this make you feel? One of our main political parties has put forth a candidate that has no platform of accomplishments, a position that is possibly further left than BO, and wants bigger government and to give you less voice. Just pay your taxes and shut up. Under Harris you will lose more say and control of your children, lose healthcare as you know it today, and see our borders open up 100$. Not my opinion, her past words are the proof.

Tell me, why is former President Trump focused on Biden when he dropped from the race. He no longer matters. The Republicans must focus on the future and records. Every prolife governor was reelected in 2020 and 2022 I do believe. So why do we hear voices backing off the Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe vs Wade? It appears politicians don't stand for what they believe but what the voter wants to hear. So, we must ask, who can we trust. If words no longer stand for honesty that is spoken, then what do we have as a foundation in a candidate. How can we support and campaign a message for a candidate when we don't even know what the message stands for. If our message is vote Republican because.... then we must ask ourselves what do we stand for?

I could rant about the 2024 Olympic games, but I would imagine many of you are as turned off as I am. I used to enjoy the global competition amongst countries. A chance for small 3rd world athletes to compete for a once in a lifetime possibility of winning. Aside from the poor tasting promotions of anti-religion, race, alternative lifestyles and more, even some of the well-known names competing as athletes from America are just as disgusting. Sorry. We witnessed a grown man who makes hundreds of millions of dollars playing a sport chosen to carry our national flag when he was a kneeler and supporter of those kneeling against our national anthem I do believe. Disgusting. The same hero flag carrier supports the nation who has been proclaimed to be the biggest threat to our nation.

America, the equal opportunity employer. Right? Wait, that was before DEI. I was doing a little research on our flag carrying warrior who goes to the trenches to fight a war (basketball) against other warriors on the court. Granted if he has a stubbed toe heh often as to ride the bench unlike real warriors on the real battlefield who still fight with gunshot wounds. I digress. Check this out. Our flag carrying warrior is the second highest paid player in America employed by the National Basketball Association. His salary per game is $542,377. Now don't get too excited because he is the second highest paid warrior read for battle. The highest paid basketball player in the same league who is also participating in the 2024 Summer Olympics makes $586,219 per game. That is a salary for 60 minutes of basketball. Now, imagine this. Combine the two salaries per game Ii just mentioned and it would pay the average salary for one US military warrior's 20-year career. The lesser paid warrior gets shot at and the higher paid warrior takes shots at a round cylinder in front of screaming fans. I'm not against anyone making money and earning fair wages. But when doctors and other professionals carry school debt half their lifetime and a jock doesn't finish college and is a multimillionaire at 25, something is terribly wrong. Where did we go wrong as a nation? In many ways, our nation is driven by the sports and music industry vs morals, ethics, integrity, and unity.

I want you to stop and consider something. We just lived through July 2024. We can't go back and now we are moving forward at normal pace like July was just another month. Do you realize July 2024 was highly likely one of the most historic months in American history. What? Think about it. A former president had his life almost taken by a math club nerd and was given a free pass to do so. A week later our current president had a coup pulled off and is no longer the primary candidate for President in the 2024 election. A week later our national media tells us the Vice President of the United States who finished last in her run for President and couldn't get a single vote of support. And she scores as the most liberal politician in Washington, D.C. and scores a zero in her accomplishments and is now the front runner to lead America the next four years. If you wrote this in a book a year ago the feedback would be asking for the readers money back.

Something we all must ask ourselves, is how secure do you feel in America today? One part of preparedness is gathering information and knowing what to do with it. Sometimes it is usable and other times we must store it and bring it out at a later date to help piece a subject together or support it because the topic is false or true. It takes effort and it must be managed. Sometimes, it is having one piece and then coming across another piece on a different topic, but the two pieces support one another possible. The video below could be one such case. This is just an example. Take the new GOP VP nominee JD V. Up and coming star with an amazing story. How could you not like the guy based on his story and smile. It wasn't kept a secret that his mentor has been Peter Thiel. Who is Peter Thiel? Peter Andreas Thiel is an American entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and political activist. A co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies, and Founders Fund, he was the first outside investor in Facebook. Wikipedia What does this matter. Watch the video below and decide why it could matter.

I hope your behind is feeling a bit uncomfortable about now because this is serious stuff.

Next ....

Preparedness - Things are changing quickly

Anyone who steps in to the preparedness world quickly realizes the endless avenues one can take the effort. Soon it becomes a way of life for many reasons. This is a life changer and before you know it you have a new mindset and equally a new way of life. If you are like me, I often think to myself that I wish I would have discovered it earlier in life in order to appreciate the full extent of the it. Below you will find some great information to help you in your medicinal journey and simply homesteading and the work it takes. Not for the lazy or weak hearted.

Don't blink because the global food crop availability is shrinking fast. Floods, summer freezes in unexpected places, drought's and more are impacting another year of crops.

Good learning video.

Another good learning video.

Good learning video to see what the fruit of labor and the good Lord can bring to your effort.

This is one of three YouTube channels to watch Shawn James amazing work. From clearing land for gardening to building his log cabin and supporting infrastructure.

More information and links for you to check out.

Preparedness -

1.From Ken J - Modern Survival Blog - What Is Borax And What Does It Do? ( - Great information and many ways to use Borax around your home.

2. From Jane Baldwin - Mom with a Prep - 101+ Canning Recipes for Food Storage - - Did someone say recipes for canning? Oh yea, check this out.

3. From Tara Dodrill - New Life on a Homestead - 20 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow Indoors ( - As I recently commented in a previous newsletter and on a HFS YouTube video, Medicinal Herbs is one of the most talked about skills in preparedness.

4. From Wardee Harmon - Traditional School - eBook: Dehydrating | How to Dehydrate Healthy Traditional Foods ( - Excellent guide for dehydrating food. Lots of information.

5. From Adam Tate - Survive Doomsday - 6 Ways to Use IBC Totes on a Homestead ( - Cheap, useful, and available.

Other News -

1.From Jeffrey Tucker - Brownstone Institute - Ten Points About Post-Lockdown Economics ⋆ Brownstone Institute - Very interesting perspective. (Thanks, Festus, for this submission)

2. From Sundance - Conservative Treehouse - It All Tracks - Hersch Reports Barack Obama Threatened Biden with 25th Amendment Removal - The Last Refuge ( - Say it isn't so. Good read. (Thanks Festus, for this submission)

3. From Mario Murillo - CHRISTIANS FOR KAMALA. QUEERS FOR PALESTINE. SAME LOGIC - Mario Murillo Ministries - Yep, as clear as putting peanut button in popcorn and calling it a fruit salad. (Thanks Festus, for this submission)

4. From Don Shift - American Partisan - Trust in the Tempest: Navigating Police/Prepper Encounters in SHTF, by Don Shift - American Partisan - Excellent information for all of us to consider and remember each day when away from our home,. (Thanks Festus, for this submission.)

5. From Tyler Durden - Zero Hedge - The FDA's Disastrous War Against Sleep | ZeroHedge - Eye opening article we all should read and be aware of. (Thanks Festus, for this submission)

Let us move along.


Prayers - Please keep our great nation, our elected leaders, military and first responders in your thoughts and prayers. We pray for good health and wisdom. Please pray for our leadership to find answers and guidance to the problems facing our great nation. May your faith remain strong and answers to the unknown provided. God is good and may our prayers blanket and protect you and your circumstances. I pray for each, and every one of our Patriots.

Our HFS family has many prayers needs for health and moral. We love you all and continue praying for each of you.

We pray for our Patriot brother in East TN awaiting confirmation on a recent diagnosis. We pray for uplifting news and long-term health.

We pray for our Patriot sister in northern GA who has dementia. We pray for her health and care in this long battle. We pray for her husband as well.

We pray for our Patriot brother in Northern Alabama and for positive results in his long-awaited surgery upcoming in August.

We pray for our Patriot sister in Western, NC who continues to battle with her heart and breathing conditions.

We pray for our Patriot brother in Central, KY for a quick and complete recovery from a second leg surgery.

We pray for our Patriot sister as she continues to suffer from brain issues. The Lord knows the specifics to this condition.

We pray for our Patriot sister on the Cumberland Plateau in her ongoing battle for a positive prognosis and treatment.

We pray for these individuals and their families.

May we pray for all the blessings and things in life to be thankful about and continued hope for revival around the world. We must continually pray for the unsaved, our family and friends who live each day without the protection for eternal life and salvation.

As Patriots we must stay strong and never give up. Our home, community, and nation need us now more than ever. Stay focused on your local community and things that will impact you around the nation. Don't allow the events around you to create fear in your life. Build your own self-reliance and focus on faith and hope. Remember we are a blessed nation, and we must continue to be great people today and make a better tomorrow. Keep charging.


Bravo Echo Out,


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