Make sure all your emergency it items are orgaized in one pace, easy to find and to carry
Tag all of your special needs equipment including instructions on how to use and/or move each assistive device during an emergency
Complete a checklist and personal assessment sheet and provide a copy to your designated network(s). Keep a copy in your emergency kit(s)
If you have food/drug allergies, wear a Medic Alert bracelet
List all food/drug allergies and current medications (for each medication, specify the medical condition being treated, the generic name, dosage, frequency, and the name and contact information of the prescribing physician). Provide this list to your designated network and keep a copy in your emergency kit(s).
If you rely on any life sustaining equipment or if you require regular attendant care, ask your network to check on you immediately if an emergency occurs and have an emergency backup plan in the event of a power outage.
During an emergency, if your support network is unable to help, ask others for help and inform them of your special needs and how they can assist you.
Carry a personal alarm that emits a loud noise to draw attention.
Be aware that experiencing an emergency can be overwhelming and stress can worsen some medical conditions.
Ask if a person wants your help, and how you may best assist them.
If someone refuses your help, wait for first responders to arrive, unless it is a matter of life or death.
Do not touch the person, their service animal or equipment without their permission, unless it is a matter of life or death.
Follow instructions posted on special needs equipment.
You may be asked to use latex free gloves to resuce the spread of viral infection or to prevent an allergenic reaction to latex.
Ask the person if areas of their body have reduced sensation and if they want you to heck those areas for injuries.
Do not try to move somone unless you are trained in proper techniques.
If a person is unconscious or unresponsive do not administer any liquids or food.
If the person has a service animal, it is the animal owner's responsibility to assess whether or not it is safe for the animal to work through the emergency situation.
To make this decision, the service animal owner will need information as to the nature of the hazards they are expected to face and any changes to the physical environment.
If providing sighted assistance, the first responder or caregiver should confirm that the service animal is then NOT working, and is therefore off duty.
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